Was sending me away a compulsory task? That’s the 1st question I want to ask.
I was okay here and did my duties the best, then why was I asked to give that torturous entrance test?
I love you dear parents and can’t live alone, you satisfied me by just talking on the phone.
Funds and company is what I longed for the whole day, my dear parents why did you send me away?
I had to bear a lot over there, and my world was confined to my books and my chair.
Tension became my hobby as such; on my heart no emotions did even touch.
No source of entertainment could entertain my mind; anyone known was what I could never ever find.
Coming back home was my every day’s matter of pray, my dear parents why did you send me away?
But I tried to manage everything with care, and smile on my face became quite rare.
I lost my health due to ugly food; to go to class I was never ever in a mood.
I tried to make the most of my days at that place, and keep myself alive in this competitive race.
I struggled the whole day, my dear parents why did you send me away?
I know that you also felt very bad, and didn’t say a word when I demanded excess of money from you dad.
You didn’t want any burden on my mind, at every corner of the house my presence you did always find.
You missed me in every work that was mine, but later accepted it as a matter of fate and felt fine.
Whenever in holidays I came back home you always wished for my longer stay, I was always with you only earlier, then why did you send me away?
Later I understood that studies there were at an alarming height, and you really took the decision which was as usual right.
High competition helped me develop my skills, and also helped me to clear the steepest of the trouble-hills.
I settled down and made your dream as my aim, and studied hard to popularize your name.
My stepping stone in the competitive world it did lay, my dear parents there is no further need to ask as to why had you sent me away.
About the author: Vipresh Mehta is a second year Mechanical Engineering student at MIT, Manipal
Edited by: Vyom Agarwal
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