Manipal is a university town with over 10 different colleges within a small radius of just 6 km. People from all across India and abroad come here to study. With a population of over 50,000, the majority being students, there are different types of people every single day you tend to meet in Manipal during your stay here.
When I first came here, I was prepared to be pushed into the real world, which is awfully harsh. I joined this college knowing I’d have to take up a lot of responsibilities and that I’m going to be living in a new place with strangers. What I feared the most about it all was that I might lose my individuality, trying to be what people want me to be here.

But that’s what is beautiful about this place. No matter how weird, crazy, or even quiet you are, you will be accepted for it all with no judgment whatsoever and never be put under pressure to be someone else. Although it is difficult to put the kind of people you meet here in different brackets, here are some you are most likely to come across.
The Over Analyzer
There is always this one friend we all know who plans out every single day and has their priorities set out, spending most of their time around books or extra-curricular activities. We envy them for being so sorted out. But when we need academic or professional help, there is no one else better to meet in Manipal. These people are organized and have everything set out before the deadlines.
Ram Leela
Every friend circle you meet in Manipal has this one evergreen couple that spends a majority of their after college hours with each other. Be it among friends or alone, they have their eyes locked on their significant other. The love these couples have for each other can be seen after a whole lane was named after them. In any Manipal hotspot like DeeTee, Student Plaza, and even the libraries, you will definitely bump into one.

The localite
This kind of person is the most reliable, helpful, and supportive variety of people you meet in Manipal. Being an actual resident for a longer period than the students, the localities are well versed with the language, the places around, and the people as well. If you are ever in trouble or need to settle an argument with an auto anna, they are who you call.
The Party Animal
This kind of person is the most common type of people you will meet in Manipal. Coming to class hungover and sometimes found to be wearing the same clothes from the night before, carefree and indifferent about what happens around them, they always have fun. They are closer to the people that work in the major pubs more than they ever can be with their classmates. Wednesdays in Zeal, Saturdays at Edge, and the rest of the days in deeper, they have a proper routine that they don’t break. Be it a rainy Monday to the night before sessionals, you know where you will find them.
The Club Frenzy
Every single college in Manipal has, at the least, a handful of people who are devoted to their respective clubs. Be it a theatre club, a media club, and even a dance club, they invest all their time into the club they belong to. People like this can be seen holding a poster around the Student Plaza, attempting to convince anyone who passes by to either attend or participate in an event they are holding. Spending all their time awake on improving, developing, and just having fun in their club, they are the most loyal and dedicated people you will meet in Manipal.

Although there are different kinds of people you meet in Manipal, every single person here can be termed as one. Every Manipalite will enter soaked wet to class at least once because they forgot their umbrellas, at least once they will trek up to End Point panting. Still, the view is what will catch their breath; at least once there will be a heated argument with an auto anna trying to scam them, at least once they will go to Malpe and have the cheap unhygienic fish relishing it like it’s a gourmet dish. But all in all, if you ever want a reliable, fun, responsible, or even an irresponsible person, a Manipalite is the whole damn package.
Article By Aditi Premjit
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