No kidding. It was all Shakespearan. Veni ,Vidi ,Vici.
She came, she smiled and she sat next to me.
Even before we strapped our belts, she told me she was a big fan of Brad Pitt.
Even before the doors closed I knew she had two dogs. One a cocker spaniel and another a brown dane.
Her neck was stiff with all the travel.
Hollywood was one bitch of a place.
She supported Obama on the health bill.
Her favorite perfume was Amor Amor.
She worshiped Jimmy choo for his shoes but his hand bags were just ok.
Her favorite color was black. It accentuates her high cheek bones
Her favorite holiday spot was Catalina Island.
She liked waffles and sausages for breakfast.
Media is a pain in the ……
Pheww! I don’t think i know even that much about me.
And now some statistics of that incredible encounter:
Time of the entire flight : 150 minutes
Time she kept yakking : 149 minutes. she wasted one precious minute on coughing.
The time I concentrated : 14 minutes 24 sec. ( I had the stop watch on. Thank you iPhone)
Her proudest story : Her husband served in the Vietnam war.
And oh did I tell you she looked pretty young for her 72 years.
She shook hands briskly as we were leaving. That is when she slipped her card in my hand.
Angelina Jolie.!!!!!!!!!!( yes i write it with a ‘J’.she winked naughtily as she said that!)
Now that’s what I call Lady luck.
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