This humanoid is in its final stages of being patented but before all that, stands as a great investment and a source of income. The team which made the robot wants to enroll their creation in various technical festivals all over India and perhaps, the world and is confident of winning. As a part of their ‘to-do’ list is also ‘pwning Acyut’, a humanoid created by BITS students, which according to these engineering students ‘can only dance’. One of their team members is now confident of winning the Google Science Fair too.
The bot being demonstrated to the team |
After research consisting of vast social interactions, these four students who do not wish to be named reached the root of all rebellious activities in campus: changes/flaws in the administrative and academic system. In angst against the system, these gutsy first year students, in a mere time of two weeks managed to plan, simulate and implement The Tormentaur, their creation to boost vandalism and rebellious activities in the administrative block and surroundings to unimaginable levels.
This innovative creation has an anti-teacher mode which is used during patrols outside entrances to class-rooms in wait of professors which students to not prefer. To make it more user-friendly, this robot consists of implementations allowing the user to enter the target name via the very speedy internet connection in the college campus. Then, using programs running in the microcontrollers, the bot extracts the name and photo of the target from an online database. Then using complex facial recognition techniques the target is sensed and shot with either semi-permanent paintballs or high-voltage Tasers.
‘An acquaintance got indefinitely suspended for making fun of the teacher in an ongoing lecture. Yes, the suspension was for a valid reason but considering the fun he was having in the days of his suspension, I wanted to get suspended too!’, said a member of Team Tormentaur from their workshop. The workshop, or The Lair is where The Tormentaur was initially conceived and then manufactured.
Apart from surges of vandalism shown by the robot, the students are quite confident about the Tormentaur not going ‘The I-Fairy way’, a recent piece of shocking news which created quakes in the moral policing circles. ‘We are pretty sure, our robot is not hormonally imbalanced’, said a team member while also adding on to plans for making a female counterpart for the robot to thankfully mate with.
If not patented, the students are planning to sell this robot along with its mate on their own by starting a company. Looking at current conditions in most engineering colleges, the demand for this bot is quite high. ‘We’ll add in another female bot…just in case…’, added a member with a wink.
The Tormentaur will be available to the public perhaps next year after thorough testing and research on additional features to be implemented. The team is planning a grand entry at the CES-2012. Wishing them luck!
Just letting some…well, *n00bs* know that this was just so fake. I, as a part of claim this piece to be totally original and fictitious. Apart from that, I also acknowledge that given sufficient startup capital, adequate time and attendance concessions, this can be a reality (Oh, yes!).
lol…these guys think that Acyut dances….hahaha…oh do i love the ignorance of the Manipalites….u guys never let me down…always have a great laugh…thx again..
lol…these guys think that acyut can dance!…lolol…oh do i love the ignorance of u manipalites….never let me down…thx for the laughs! XD
Oh and i almost forgot…u guys call urself MIT students… XD omg lmao hahahahahahaah brilliant
Dude, my point was not that. This is a satirical piece describing some shitty suspensions for nonsensical reasons.
Oh, and there /are/ some really epic people here; it'd be great if you'd not underestimate.