A man will never love you or treat you as well as a store. If a man doesn’t fit, you can’t exchange him seven days later for a gorgeous cashmere sweater. And a store always smells good. A store can awaken a lust for things you never even knew you needed.
~Rebecca Bloomwood from Confessions of a shopaholic.
For all the shopaholics out there, a new store has opened up in City Centre Mall finally. On September 22nd we saw the grand opening of the “PANTALOONS”. Pantaloons opened up in City Centre ground floor simultaneously on the day when it reached its 16th Anniversary. The grand opening of the store drew many people to City Centre to witness the celebrations the store had in mind for promoting their business as well as entertaining the people present in the mall.
I coincidentally happened to be there in the mall the very day it opened. It had been a pretty boring Sunday. Waking up late in the morning , catching up with friends and just lazing around. Finally my friends and I decided to go to City Centre to check out the latest collections and loaf about. As soon as we set foot in the mall, we saw a huge crowd in the center of the mall where the staff of Pantaloons where entertaining the crowd.
We rushed to the store excitedly as we were finally getting to see a new store open up after a long time. Pantaloons has a vast collection of exquisite clothes in the whole ground floor. Clothes for all ages and gender ranging from the latest trend to casuals and it was on sale! Exclusive brands like Biba, Akkriti, Rangmanch,Jealous21,Peter England, Ajile, USM Italy, etc. were there. My eyes popped open on seeing such awesome clothes from trendy to classic to preppy to business clothes. There was a section for only accessories and bags which blew my mind off. The shopaholic in me took over and soon we were all busy skimming through the clothes and trying on a few which we liked. Realizing that we had nearly spent two hours in the store, we decided to get out of there before our wallets became empty.
Soon we joined the mob gathered around the program being conducted by the staff or volunteers of Pantaloons. They were a jolly lot and soon we volunteered to participate in them. When they asked who can name many heroines from the Indian cinema we pushed one of our friends in. The emcee then called on my two best friends to dance. My friends went in and drew the crowd wild with their dance which was perfectly synchronized. I volunteered for the most number of goodnight messages. There was a shopaholic contest to which my friend and I immediately rushed to. There was a contest of the number of push ups a guy could do in a minute too. We received vouchers for Baskin Robbins and Café Coffee Day for volunteering . Altogether it was a fabulous Sunday thanks to the grand opening of Pantaloons.
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