Subrahmanya is based in Sullia Taluk of Dakshina Kannada District at a distance of about 150 km from Mangalore.
Subramanya used to be called as Kukke Pattana in the past. In the ‘Shankara Vijaya’ Anandagiri observes that Sri Shankaracharya camped here for a few days during his religious expedition (Digvijaya). Shankaracharya referred to this place as ‘Bhaje Kukke Lingam‘in his ‘Subrahmanya Bhujangaprayata Stotram’. This Kshetra is situated on the banks of the river ‘Dhara’ which originates in the Kumara mountain and proceeds to the western sea.

The main entrance lies to the east. The devotees will have to enter courtyard from behind and go before the idol. The sanctuary of Sri Subrahmanya Swami lies opposite to the main entrance. A Garuda pillar with silver covering towers high between the sanctuary and the newly constructed portico. It is said that the pillar was charmed and erected in order to shield the people from the flames of poison emanating from the breath of Vasuki residing inside. Devotees have to encircle round including this pillar too. Beyond this pillar is the outer mantapa and then the inner mantapa finally your eyes rest on Sri Subrahmanya.
Nagara Panchami and Subrahmanya Shashti are the two important festivals of the shrine.
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