Finally exams over!! The stress, the tension, the anxiety, the sleepless nights.. Are they over?
Examinations are a nightmare in a person’s life! Be it a 7th grader or a final year medical student. The week of stress and a lot many weeks before it! The exam bug will always remain a horror in a sapiens life! The full year of enjoyment and fun… all of a sudden exams appear out of nowhere.
We somehow manage to appear for them. We don’t have an option! But what after that? A week of relaxation, fun, good food etc… But then it just lasts for a week or so.We need to get the result of our sleepless night.
‘ Will it be good? Will I pass? What if I fail? What if I land into IR? What if I get a back? ‘ A lot many questions crowd our head, and again the bad days of anxiety start!
We try our level best to ignore it, to avoid thinking about it. But somehow end up being under the blanket all scared of the result devil!
The night before the result is surely going to be a sleepless one! Will the result devil remain a devil or turn into an angel? A lot of hopes and crossed fingers..The only thing we can do is hope and hope for the best!
All the best people!
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