After the huge and successful UTSAV 2014 campaign by students of KMC Manipal, the administration has announced that the students will be given three days attendance on Saturday April 19th. The news comes close on the heels of MCODS Mangalore getting a holiday on Saturday to celebrate their second place in Utsav 2014.
This measure was decided at the weekly faculty meeting of the college held today evening at 5 PM to celebrate the victory at UTSAV. The cultural coördinator requested that extra attendance be given to students to make up for the bunked classes during the previous week, not just for the participants and volunteers. However, another faculty member objected to the same and suggested that attendance be given only for genuine reasons. After much debate a compromise was reached and it was decided that students who attend classes on the weekend i.e. April 19th will be rewarded with 3 days attendance.
When we contacted the students, a few of them welcomed the move and said that it will help them make up for bunking classes earlier, while some said that they will have more than 100% attendance. This will come in handy to bunk classes later.
However, a few students were saddened and asked why they were being punished for taking part in Utsav. They said that they had planned a weekend in Goa, taking advantage of the extended weekend. “17th April is already a holiday for voting, while 18th is Good Friday. I had planned a huge weekend together with my close friends in Goa. Though I plan to go ahead, it looks doubtful whether my friends will be joining me now” said Ishan Khajuria, a student in 2nd year, considered as the honeymoon phase of MBBS.
Meanwhile, students of MIT Manipal, reacted to this news with happiness. Saurav Prakash from Chemical engineering batch said “Last week KMC students were celebrating loudly after winning the Utsav trophy. Many were being arrogant and taunting us that we couldn’t take part because of sessionals. This comes as just reward. Now, we MITians will take the weekend to Goa, while KMCites will be stuck as they will be in two minds. They now will be confused, whether they are being punished or rewarded.”
P.S.: All the facts in this article are made up. But you already knew that. Didn’t you?
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