Chest acne is a common problem that affects lots of people. This problem occurs because the hair pores or follicles get blocked with oils or dead skin cells and infected by bacteria. Too much stress, an unhealthy diet, hormonal changes, sleep deprivation, and excessive smoking or drinking are some of the main reasons for chest acne. Its symptoms include pain, redness, swelling, bleeding, inflammation, skin infections, and scarring.
What is the Cause of Acne?
Acne is not caused by any factor but is the result of the combined effect of several different things. If you’re waiting for the miracle pill or magic cream, you are out of luck.
That doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything or that you just have to put up with acne. It just means that you need to change a few things if you want clear skin and be consistent in your new lifestyle.
If you think about it, it makes sense. What you are doing now has you constantly breaking out, and it’s not your fault. You probably didn’t even know there were alternatives. So let’s look at the leading causes and see what can be changed be managed.
The Mechanics of Acne
Your skin produces a natural oil called sebum. You need the sebum to prevent your skin from drying out. Sebum is made at the base of the tiny hair follicles in your skin. Then it moves up the shaft of the hair, collecting dead skin cells and dust along the way, a natural cleaning process.
However, due to stress, hormone imbalance, or nutritional deficiency, your skin produces too much sebum. Sometimes even if you don’t produce too much sebum, there is a breakdown in the natural cleaning process and a build up of dead skin cells and other debris blocks the pore and a blackhead is formed.
At times bacteria get into this blockage and cause inflammation which triggers your body’s natural defenses to attach the bacteria and a whitehead is formed.
Treating chest acne is not difficult because there are several natural and simple home remedies that are inexpensive and safe to remove chest acne more quickly than you imagined.
Aloe Vera For Chest Acne Removal
Aloe vera is a popular ingredient in many skincare products and it can treat all acne types including chest acne. Aloe vera gel dries out acne fast because of its anthraquinones and flavonoids. As a result, it boosts the healing process. Along with that, it helps to soothe pain, redness, and itchiness related to acne and decreases the risk of scarring. For this purpose, extract the fresh gel from an aloe vera leaf and apply it to your chest acne. Gently rub this gel for some time and let it dry on its own. You can follow it twice or thrice daily until the chest acne is completely healed.
Bentonite Clay Remedy for Chest Acne
Generally, bentonite clay can remove impurities from the skin to leave it fresh and clean. Furthermore, it is beneficial for absorbing sebum and excess oil from the skin. You need to put 1 tbsp of bentonite clay and 1 tbsp of ground oatmeal into a bowl. Later add enough water to it and mix well to achieve a paste. Thereafter, apply this paste on your acne-affected area. Let your application dry and rinse with lukewarm water. This remedy should be used 1-2 times each week.
Use Oatmeal for Chest Acne
Oatmeal is effective at exfoliating the skin and cleansing the pores. It can also take any excess oil out of the skin. As a result, it eliminates chest acne efficiently. Apart from that, oatmeal helps to lower swelling and pain caused due to acne. For this remedy, cook one cup of oatmeal at first and leave it to cool down. Then, add the juice of a half lemon and 1 tbsp of honey to the cooked oatmeal, and afterward, mix well. Start applying this resultant paste over your chest acne and remove it after half an hour with lukewarm water. For quick results, repeat this way once each day.
Cinnamon For Chest Acne
Cinnamon comes with antimicrobial agents that remove the problem of chest acne fast. It can combat the bacteria causing acne. For this aim, you can mix cinnamon powder (1/2 teaspoon) with some honey to attain a paste. Now apply this paste to your chest acne and wait fifteen minutes. Finally, rinse it off and pat dry. Follow this remedy two times every day. Another option is to mix cinnamon powder (1 tbsp) and freshly squeezed lemon juice (3 tbsp). Then, spread this mixture over your affected skin. Thereafter, rinse the skin off after 60 minutes with cool water. This remedy should be followed once daily.
Use Turmeric for Chest Acne
Due to its antibacterial and antioxidant abilities, turmeric is useful for dealing with any type of acne. Being anti-inflammatory nature, this herb also reduces inflammation and redness caused due to acne. For this treatment, mix together turmeric powder (1 tsp), honey (1 tsp) and milk (2 tsp). Then, apply on your chest acne with this mixture. Leave the application to dry and use lukewarm water to remove it.
Use this remedy twice or thrice a week for fast results. Alternatively, you can also combine turmeric (1 tsp) with enough rose water and mix well to achieve a paste. Thereafter, apply this paste on your acne area and clean off the paste after 15-20 minutes with lukewarm water. This remedy should be used once or twice every day.
Apple Cider Vinegar Remedy for Chest Acne
Apple cider vinegar contains alpha-hydroxy acids so that it unclogs the skin pores and dissolves dead skin cells. As a result, it aids in drying out acne fast. Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects help to treat acne. You can mix together raw, unfiltered ACV (1 tsp), cooled green tea (2 tsp), raw honey (1 tsp), and sugar (5 tsp). Then, start applying on your acne with this mixture.
Rinse after 10-12 minutes with water and use this remedy one time weekly. Alternatively, dilute a part of raw, unfiltered ACV with 2 parts of water. Take a cotton ball and soak it in this solution. Begin applying this soaked cotton ball over your affected skin. Finally, rinse the area after 30 minutes with lukewarm water. This treatment can be used twice every day.
Tea Tree Oil For Chest Acne Treatment
According to a study published in 2007 in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology, topical 5 % tea tree oil is a great remedy for acne vulgaris. Tea tree oil can heal chest acne rapidly. Apart from that, it boosts the healing process by cleaning the pores thanks to its powerful antiseptic. Moreover, it kills the bacteria contributing to the acne breakout.
For this purpose, you put tea tree oil (1-2 drops) on a cotton ball. Then, dab this oil on your affected skin and after that, rinse with lukewarm water after 10 minutes. Follow this natural treatment twice or thrice daily for quick results.
Toothpaste Remedy
This remedy is very popular for acne treatment. It consists of antibacterial properties, which help to eliminate the bacteria causing acne. Furthermore, it can dry out acne caused due to over-productive oil glands. For this remedy, you take some white toothpaste and apply it to your chest acne. Leave the application on all night and wash off using cold water the next morning. The process should be repeated every day until the chest acne dries out.
Does toothpaste get rid of chest acne?
The use of toothpaste on acne pimples is a very popular home acne remedy and seems to work well for a lot of people. Many people find that using toothpaste is easy and very effective in reducing the size and redness of their acne blemishes and the great thing about it as an acne remedy is it is cheap. As everyone has toothpaste in their home you don’t need to spend money on fancy acne products.
If you want to use toothpaste to get rid of acne pimples, look for a true toothpaste, not a gel as this will irritate your skin, natural or organic toothpaste is best if you can get them. Also, try to avoid ones with specific whitening properties as they may be too harsh. Apply a small dab to the acne spot in question, leave it on overnight, and rinse in the morning.
An application of toothpaste to an acne pimple, left on overnight, may get rid of the blemish, or at least it should appear greatly reduced. The ingredients in the toothpaste dehydrate the spot, removing the dirt and oils; basically working as a clay face mask.
As with all natural pimple treatments, care should be taken not to irritate the skin or cause further damage. Only use toothpaste on pimples you have not popped, the outer layer of skin should still be intact. Make sure you don’t use too much paste, only a very small amount should be applied directly to the blemish itself, not the surrounding skin.
As the ingredients in toothpaste dry out the skin, it is not recommended to use this method for more than one night at a time. If you have very sensitive skin or suffer from more serious acne, try a tiny application of regular toothpaste on one pimple on an inconspicuous part of your face, such as underneath your chin and leave it on for a few minutes. If you do not suffer from any adverse reaction, try it on another blemish for slightly longer. As with any pimple treatment, stop using toothpaste on pimples immediately if you experience any pain, discomfort, or other unpleasant side effects.
Of course, this method will not work for everyone and its level of success will depend upon the severity of the acne. It is probably best suited as a fix for a small outbreak of acne pimples rather than a major one. In addition, you need to leave it on for a while so it is not really suitable for a quick fix acne treatment.
Use Baking Soda
Generally, baking soda functions as a wonderful exfoliating agent that helps to remove dead skin cells, thus leaving the skin clean, smooth, and bright. Its anti-inflammatory properties can also lower the inflammation and pain caused due to acne. For this purpose, add some water in 1 tsp of baking soda and mix them together to get a smooth paste. Then, apply to your affected region and rinse off using cool water after around 10 minutes. This remedy can be used once every day.
Lemon Remedy
Photo by Han LahandoeLemon juice comes with an antibacterial agent that combats the bacteria related to chest acne. Besides, lemon juice consists of the L-ascorbic acid that acts as a natural astringent. As a result, it helps to dry out acne fast. For this purpose, you take a lemon and cut it in half. Then, rub it on your acne-affected area. Let the lemon juice stay on your skin for around half an hour. Finally, wash the area using cool water.
This remedy can be repeated once daily. You can also mix rose water and lemon juice in equal amounts to make a solution. Then, apply this solution to your affected area and let it remain for 15-20 minutes. Use cool water to wash the area. Follow it twice every day. People with sensitive skin should avoid this remedy.
Additional tips:
- Avoid fried food
- Avoid popping the pimples
- Limit your sugar intake because it can reduce the healing process.
- Do not spray perfume on the chest because it can increase acne.
- Avoid drinking soda, alcohol, and coffee because they can cause dehydration.
- Always use a soap containing salicylic acid and cucumber as ingredients.
How I Got Rid of My Chest Acne
Chest acne is a ton not the same as acne that is on the face, so it must be dealt with in an unexpected way. The pores of the body are not quite the same, as the pores that are all over so the general face drug will not work exceptionally well, if whatsoever, on the chest territory of the body.
When I had acne on my chest, I would continually be uncomfortable. The acne on my chest would periodically harm a ton, so I would attempt to droop over to straightforwardness the agony. You would never get me at the shoreline with my shirt off. I go to the shoreline a considerable measure, yet you would never find me in a showering suit without a shirt over the top. I even attempted to abstain from going when I could. I was so humiliated by anybody seeing my chest acne. I would not even go out on dates in light of the fact that I was sorry to say I would be in a circumstance where my acne would be uncovered.
Chest acne is treatable and could be dealt with characteristically. I attempted the majority of the prescriptions that made me feel appalling, and I attempted body scours that simply did not work. I was sick of the savage reactions of these recommended medications, so I set off to discover something that truly met expectations.
The principal thing that you have to do is to drink a considerable measure of water every day. Drink no less than 8 full glasses every day to get the correct water admission. Water will help clean your collection of poisons and will make your skin recuperate a ton quicker.
You likewise need to be watchful with the garments that you wear. Attempt to wear attire that is somewhat detached fitting so it is not rubbing against your body constantly. The rubbing will result in skin disturbance and lead to more acne. You need to be watchful and attempt to be as delicate as could be allowed with chest acne.
Something else that you have to know is that you ought to never pop or scratch your acne. This will dependably intensify it by spreading the microbes that leave the knocks. You likewise have a shot of pressing the discharge down into the skin further, which can result in cystic acne.
At the point when washing, verify that you have a cleanser that is antibacterial so it will murder the microorganisms that are on your body. You can generally discover this at any general store in the skin mind zone. Likewise, verify that you do not scour hard. You have to be delicate with your skin.
You additionally need to take a gander at your eating regimen. You have to remove any oily and greasy sustenance and supplant them with foods grown from the ground. Foods grown from the ground have extraordinary vitamins and minerals that will help in disposing of chest acne. Attempt to consume, however much as could reasonably be expected to see the best comes about.
Try following all the above home remedies regularly to get rid of chest acne fast. If your condition is severe, consult a dermatologist immediately. Also, share your beauty tips or experience with us.
I am using dermal MD anti acne serum, my skin felt so clean and soft after washing it off! It was like nothing had ever happened to me before! For the next few days after using this product, my skin stayed clear and hydrated without any breakouts or irritation whatsoever!
Thank you for sharing these remedies! I’ve struggled with chest acne for a while, and I’m excited to try some of these natural solutions. I particularly love the idea of using tea tree oil and aloe vera. Can’t wait to see the results!
Thank you for sharing these remedies! I’ve tried a few of these suggestions, and they really make a difference. It’s great to have natural options to tackle chest acne. I’m definitely going to incorporate more of these tips into my routine!