That’s it. That’s the title.
FRIENDS has managed to take up the role of being a friend to so many of us. Hey, Office fans, you guys too! To many of us, watching FRIENDS is a comfort after the long day we have. ‘Welcome to the real world. It sucks, you’re gonna love it.’ Monica was right.
It will be fitting to say that FRIENDS has an episode for all sorts of moods, happy, sad, nostalgic, silly. It’s all there. There’s so much to choose from. Don’t you worry, I will list out one feel-good episode from each season to help you decide which one to eat that pizza with. It’s a tough task sure, Herculean even, because ah, cannot choose! But anything for our readers. Smile!
Keep in mind, feel good, top 10 feel good, FRIENDS has all sorts of amazing episodes. I’ll help you feel good. Alright, I’ll help you find those episodes to help yourself feel good. Whew.
The One With All The Poker
I mean, come on! In this episode, the guys and the girls play poker. Oh, wait, the guys: Chandler, Joey, Ross, and the girls: Monica, Phoebe, Rachel. The girls color themselves in a lovely shade of defeat at first, but after a bit of training, get better, painting the guys shocked. My Goodness! It is not happy, I will not spoil the episode for you. But I will tell you this, you realize that a bit of happiness and a bit of sadness go well with each other. One is incomplete without the other. And in the end, you will have the people you love help you with both. The happy and the sad.
The One With The Baby On The Bus.
Yes, this. THIS. I mean, c’mon just the episode name. Baby on the bus. From allergic reactions to kiwi pies to losing a baby on the bus! The bus! This episode has it all, the fun, the drama, and the laughs. Along with a jealous Phoebe accompanied by a concerned Rachel. One dynamic duo. Won’t say anymore, be prepared to laugh for this one.
The One With The Chick And The Duck.
This episode teaches you how you can love and be there for the person even when you are not with them. It is very endearing, really. Along with terrible makeup, to getting jobs, this episode has an amusing banter between Joey and Chandler who struggle to look after new friends. One is never home, and one doesn’t want to be home always. The reason I term this feel good is that, in simple words, it makes you feel good. The banter, the make-up, the chicks, all of it.
The One With The Embryos.
This episode is chaotic. Pure and absolute chaos. That kind of chaos makes you want to be a part of the chaos. I’ve said chaos enough. Hokay. Bets, victories, rounds, defeats, alright I’m done. This is THE episode. The girls lose their all. But hey, they also help welcome a life. Won’t tell you who. Or who welcomes whom. Just chaos. An episode that’ll make you howl with laughter, for sure.
The One Where Everybody Finds Out.
‘They don’t know that we know they know we know.’
‘My eyes!’
‘Come on. Don’t you remember when you made him cry using only your words?’
‘I’m in love with Monica!’
These are a few of the lines from this iconic episode. Have these convinced you to watch them? If not, don’t mind the silent judgment, teehee. This is easily one of the best episodes of FRIENDS. So wholesome and fun!
The One With The Routine.
Few of our friends are on the set of “Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve”, where they show off their amazing moves and their ‘routine.’ Some routine that is. Not just that, there’s a bit of a treasure hunt involved. A fun night of competition, midnight kisses, presents, and dance. The routine is one of the most iconic parts of the show. The siblings rock. You can watch the routine here. Trust me, you’ll be watching it a lot.
The One With The Nap Partners.
Nap partners sound so warm, no? The entire episode will leave you feeling warm and nice inside. Apologizing for mistakes from the past plays one amusing role here. All in all, the definition of feel-good, this episode.
The One With The Rumor.
Two words, Brad Pitt.
That’s it.
Go watch the episode.
The One With The Lottery.
This is that kind of episode that makes you want to be a part of it. A fun evening with friends watching the lottery, see if they win. So cool, right? Obviously, there is so much more than that. A surprise visit from a pigeon, ‘coo!’, splitting the wishbone, getting a job [!!!], plus the lottery! How much fun! The dialogues, the lines, the acting, like most of the episodes are so on point. Definitely a fun watch.
The One With Phoebe’s Wedding
This was a tough call because season 10 has so many amazing episodes! But this, this one definitely stands out. It highlights the essence of friends, of how they are your family, and sometimes even your dad! I know, shocking! But it’s so sweet. The wedding, man. It is sweet. And chilly. Zip, I won’t say anymore. You might cry, or laugh, but it’ll be a good cry, promise.
FRIENDS is more than just a show, it is an emotion, a home for many. Episodes so funny and heart-warming, you’ll feel a part of these friends. The seventh friend, that’s right, it’s you.
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