Here I was again, back in the same atmosphere, anxious eyes, trembling hands, palpitations and cold streams of sweat. I have been through this state a hundred times – ever since I first held my pencil. But the situation keeps worsening every time. I have still not understood the logic behind holding these examinations. A student, who may have toiled through out the year may perform in a similar manner as a student who may have mugged up the text book overnight !! And to top it all, what one needs most is MOTHER LUCK’S blessings. If mother luck is thinking in your favour, then those 15 lessons that you read last night will be the ones which appear in your paper next day. But if mother luck has deserted you, then those 10 lessons which you have left, will be the main stream of your paper next day !
Thus, based on these facts, how can one ever decide the destiny of student as regards his performance in those 3 hours. It is awful to see that your intelligence is finally graded based on your performance in those 3 hours – “He is a brilliant boy – he scored 80% in his first year.” She is a duffer, she barely managed to pass 1st year”. What ever it is, let me tell you that this rule definitely does not hold true in case of medical education.
Because being a doctor does not mean getting high percentages in your exams. But it is more to do with how well you understand your patient, your mastery over your clinical skills and a good humane approach to mankind. Of course, you do need a good support from your theory background, but that is not the deciding
So my friends out there, don’t lose hope if you have not performed up to your expectations in the exams which have gone by, remember that there is always a next time, grow up, come out of the egg shell that you are still sitting in, widen your horizons and prepare yourself for emergency out as a ‘DOCTOR’ and not merely as a M.B.B.S. degree holder.
But as you are preparing for this task ahead, don’t forget to keep a track of the year, or one fine day you may find yourself sitting in the same examination hall with anxious eyes and trembling hands, patiently waiting for those dreadful 3 hours. !!!
Exams are just a ego problem of someone in power. They never could and never will be able to judge me.What the heck the exam results ever tell you about a person ?
A) He is intelligent ? Forget it
B) He is hardworking ? Forget it
C) He is lucky ? oh well…
D) He has good memory ? Ah..
None of this .. the result depands on a lot of factors and you cannot generalize it.
Oh yeah just in case you are wondering it tell is about people who can get you result than dude , if your result depands on these factors, when the factors change so will your success ….