The Avengers is a superhero movie written and directed by Joss Whedon. It had created a huge hype before its release and it seems the movie fulfills the hype better. Team ‘Avenger’ formed by the organisation SHIELD consists of a number of superheros including the Iron man and the Hulk.
It has an ‘save the world’ story seen over and over but depicted in an interesting way with the quotient of action at its best. You will be extremely overwhelmed by its action and its humour.
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The movie dialogues sparkles as brightly as its special effects. Though the theme is repetitive, the presentation and the script that gives enough for every character is marvellous. The background score is good. All the lead characters have played their part with full energy. The last fight sequences are shown with a brilliance as the camera moves from one fighter to the other with each fighter doing kick ass action in his own style. The beginning may be a bit slow but as it progresses, the movie gets its pace and does its job to entertain.
I walked in with a little interest but I was walking back saying ‘whoa!!! They have actually made an extraordinary and one the most entertaining movie’.
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