Ragging within or outside the educational institution is prohibited. Ragging is an offence under penal code and Karnataka Education act 1983. Whoever directly or indirectly commits, participates in, abets or instigates ragging inside or outside the educational institution shall be suspended, expelled or rusticated from the institution and shall also be liable to fine. The punishment includes rigorous imprisonment, cancellation of admission, suspension from attending classes, withholding/ withdrawing fellowship/scholarship and other financial benefits, withholding or cancelling the results.
Ragging includes display of noisy, disorderly conduct, teasing, rough or rude treatment, indulging in rowdy, undisciplined and obscene activities which cause or are likely to cause annoyance, undue hardship, physical or psychological harm or mental trauma or raise apprehension or fear in a fresher or other students, or forcing a student to do any act which such a student is not willing to do or which causes him/ her shame or embarrassment or danger to his/her life or indulging in eve teasing.
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