Today we learnt that the town ran out of sweets. This is attributed to TCS recruitment in MIT where large number of students are absorbed by the IT major on Saturday.
All students who are placed reportedly bought sweets to share their success with their faculty who helped them realise their dreams. Though placements happen every year, this is the first time shops in Manipal ran out of sweets.
” Since the start of this semester, I have observed that large number of students are coming here to buy sweets. So we increased our inventory likewise, but today all of a sudden our entire stock was mopped up in an hour.To keep up with the demand I tried to source sweets from neighbouring Udupi and Kaup but still fell short,” said the owner of Amita bakery.
He added a congratulatory note to the students and wished all the best for their future.

The nearby Manipal Bakery too did not have any sweets on display.
This shortage has created buzz in the town. It prompted Kasturba Medical College, Manipal faculty to caution their MIT counterparts against eating too many sweets in the placement semester.
It is also heard that the town ran of out booze on Saturday and Sunday but we have no confirmation about this.
P.S. : All facts mentioned in this article are fictitious, but you already knew that! Didn’t you?
The author of this post wishes to remain anonymous.
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