Oh dear Lord, all hail the mighty month of March!
It’s our much awaited Interclass!
The day I stepped my foot in KMC all I’ve been hearing about is this month-long extravagant event called ‘Interclass’ and the first thought that crossed my mind was, why on earth do they call it interclass, I mean it is worthy of something more sassier and then enters the Almighty. The batch of o’16 (who I absolutely adore!)
And thus began the grand ELYSIUM!
The perfect state of happiness is what it literally means and I could not agree more.
After the second sessionals all we, needed was some time off studies and what better than ELYSIUM itself,
The event was a blast, Commemorated on the 26th of February 2019 in the LHH campus, The Elysium was a grand success on day one with the exceptionally powerful and terrific debates and some mind-blowing creative writing!
The offstage events were one of my personal favourites because who would’ve thought my stupid perfection in Pictionary could fetch my batch some of those extra points (it didn’t!) and the newspaper hoggers got their hands on the GK quiz like I would if it were an apple pie! All in all the off stage just gave us all a chance to be weirdly creative and have so much fun!
The off-stage events was an absolutely diverse platform for talent because come on who doesn’t like being a part of a poetry competition where you write the most delicate words and on the other hand you’re dancing like money to enact ‘Jungle book’ in some potpourri prelims!
But oh my dear lord this was just the glimpse of the shiny cover of ELYSIUM but the whole book with the BTS! Is still ready to be revealed
Oh where do I start with the BTS
Okay, so we have these creatures with humongous godown of stamina and we like to call them our CR’s.
Hats off to these people, for running around the place all the time and managing everything with so much ease (not really if you ask them), catering to the seniors, their batchmates and the teachers at the same time, it’s one hell of a job dear friend.
And then, We have the participants form comics to poetesses
From actors to painters the amount the talent that showcases itself each year itself is amazing, and for us ‘The Baby Batch’
it was all so overwhelming, with so much to learn about each other and cope up with differences and its a new learning experience.
So now that I’m done praising everyone, what I would like to end this with is, this interclass has seen a lot, it has seend madshows, people losing their temperament, it has seen havoks, it has seen attendance shortage, but all of this at the cost of all of us coming closer as a batch as a family, so maybe I think we can all live with it. Can’t we?
Picture Courtesy – Mohd. Yasir
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