There are many times students feel overloaded with the key concepts and the vast syllabus of the IIT-JEE exams. Specific formulas and topics might seem like a hurdle in your preparation. If you’re not able to study correctly for IIT-JEE or you’re feeling overloaded with the hefty concepts, then here are the different study methods that can help you enhance your performance to produce the desired results.
Chapter wise study method
The best way to ease your IIT-preparation is by studying the subjects chapter wise so that you don’t leave anything in between. Instead of focusing on the chapters that seem easy to you and skipping the problematic chapters, make a practice to study chapter wise so that you don’t miss studying even a small concept. Another benefit of chapter-wise preparation is that you can keep counting how much syllabus you have covered and how much is still left.
The classic method of note making
Handwriting the notes enhances encoding, which leads to increased knowledge about that particular subject or chapter. You can use highlighters, colors to mark the essential points from the lecture. You can even make your own notes combining the classroom and textbook notes. This will not only give you a greater understanding of the different modules but will also help you go back to your notes whenever you feel something is difficult to understand.
The visual study method
Many students stick to this study method to give pace to their IIT preparation. They use a diagram, graph, and various flowcharts to enhance the knowledge regarding the particular subject. This helps them in visualizing the link between the different concepts. By integrating this method in your study patter, you can draw your mind map quickly regarding whatever concept seems complicated to you. So you can adapt this easy study method to understand the concepts in a better manner.
The buddy method
This is the golden approach to crack your IIT exam. Many types of research say that you understand even the complex formulas, terms, and concepts when you use this key study method for studying. In this way of studying, you need to explain a concept to someone else, and in this process of interaction the entire process of encoding improves, and you’re able to understand the concept in a better way. You can even quiz each other to fortify your hold over a topic.
These are the different study methods for IIT-JEE that you can choose according to your preference and abilities. Most of these methods are also recommended by this coaching institute in Kota. You can practice each of these methods to know which one suits your ability.
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