Let indulgence take you under its wings and break the melancholy of monotony. We all should treat ourselves once in a while, not worrying about the calorie intake or the increasing “adipose tissues”.

Indulgence has different meaning for everybody. For some of us it means a cup of coffee on a rainy day and for some of us it means a 5 course dinner. Nigella Lawson, the first lady of food says “it’s the heart that matters “, so the end result is the same – a big smile on your face.

Sometimes a simple scoop of ice-cream at PABBAS or the smell of hot soup which reminds you of the winters becomes the weekend treat.images

And when the aroma of cardamom, chilli and cloves hit your nose, you are reminded of your house when your mother after your continuous nagging of “mummy! You don’t make anything nice!” decides to make your favorite dish.

Especially during festivals , our mothers and grandmothers start making sweets like the coconut barfi and ladoos and when the day comes you wait outside the kitchen eagerly waiting for the boxes of treasure to come.

As people are becoming more aware about both the quality and quantity, the indulgence trend has widened spreading its branches to fine quality of food.

For our mess people, indulgence means offering gulab jamuns and for us it means “ghar ka khana”. As students here 100 of kms away from home, getting adjusted to the messy mess food and our tendency of being “Occasionally broke” our indulgence in food has reduced to dominos Wednesday treats.

By indulgence I don’t mean expensive, it could be anything which is comforting and relaxes you after a hectic day, after all we all deserve – a sip of indulgence.

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