It would be vain to say that you haven’t heard the name of ‘Lucifer Morningstar’ and no, it’s not a stage name, but “God-given, I am afraid.” He also happens to be the actual Devil, bored of Hell and taking a vacation upside, ultimately settling in the City of Angels. Quite ironic, isn’t it? The Netflix show centering around this charming Devil, who owns a nightclub and solves crimes along with the LAPD as a consultant to Detective Chloe Decker; Lucifer; reclaimed its throne as the most viewed original streaming show for three consecutive weeks and counting, even passing ‘Squid Game’ by an impressive margin, having been viewed for about 1588 million minutes!
I know, impressive, right? Sadly, the series has been wrapped up with its sixth and final season which aired on Netflix on 10th September 2021, and as we start the beginning of this year, it’s time to pull out our devil horns and worship Satan Claus again as I list for you the reasons why I love and miss the show ‘Lucifer’ so much.
The Devil steals your heart with his first word.
Uh, exaggeration much? I think not. The show opens with Cage The Elephant’s “Ain’t no rest for the wicked”, when we first see the dark-haired, mystery man in his customary black suit, white shirt, and a hint of red, driving his ‘62 Corvette and ever since then we know that we will swoon over him. And that proved to be true when he uttered his first words… in his charming British accent!
The way Lucifer Morningstar talks will make your heart into jelly and your stomach roll into butterflies. He is one of the hottest and sexiest characters in the history of streaming shows and his accent contributes a lot to his charms.
He is the stereotypical playboy, sex on legs and devilishly handsome with that killer smile, dimples, and magnetic aura. He plays the piano, flirts as he breathes, drinks whiskey like it’s water, and always has a witty comeback ready on his tongue. But underneath it all, he is a man – Devil – with a heart of gold and adorable and surprising goodness.
Let’s just say that when that Devil mojoes you into saying, “What is it you truly desire?” with that British eloquence rolling off his tongue like honey, well, you can’t resist, can you?

LAPD’s finest Detective Chloe Decker will steal the thunder cuz she’s a badass!
The show takes an unexpected turn when the king of sin and debauchery, the Lord of Hell joins the LAPD to consult with one Chloe Decker, a former actress turned Detective. Now, she might look like eye candy but she is an absolute badass who will make you fall under her thrall with her killer instincts, wit, and presence of mind. She doesn’t take any shit and stands up against any kind of injustice. Even in the face of the Lord of Hell, she is fearless, and most of the time even puts him on a leash around her!
Oh, Lucifer, she really has you wrapped around her fingers.
Chloe Decker is the soul of the show, who has held Lucifer and led him through the journey of humanity, emotions, and most importantly, love.

The show is a police procedural!
‘Lucifer’ might be a supernatural show dealing with out of the box celestial problems, but at the end of the day, the heart of the show lies in the day to day cases solved by the legendary Devil-Detective duo of the LAPD, backed by Detective Daniel Espinoza and the chirpy lab tech Ella Lopez. They are a team that constantly fights against crime in Los Angeles, ‘punishing’ bad people and bringing justice to the good ones. With very interesting murder mysteries and Lucifer projecting his issues onto all of them, this show is a rollercoaster of thrill, fun, and giddiness.

Humor literally oozes out of it…
“How can I call you the Detective, if you are not actually a Detective?”
Let it not be said that the Ruler of Hell is dark and dreary. Because from what we have seen, he is the most adorkable, puppy-eyed character one can ever find, who will do the quirkiest things that will bring a smile to your face even on your worst days.
Amenadiel, firstborn, will never fail to make you giggle at absurdist moments, and Linda’s therapy sessions will open a rift of funny ideas and tangents. The biggest power of this show is that it doesn’t take itself seriously, and that might be the best thing it could have done to entertain the viewers. It is filled with humor, quirky comments, stupid banter, and most absurd situations which will definitely earn an eye roll and a huge, lopsided grin from your side.
Other characters are given equal importance.
In Lucifer’s universe, it’s not just the Devil who is the focus of the show. Every single character has their own backstory, struggles, and achievements that are shown in equal importance and given a justified place. May it be Daniel Espinoza’s journey from being a corrupt cop to an amazing Detective and father, Ella Lopez’s struggle of overcoming her darkness, Amenadiel’s journey from being the proud, egotistical angel to God (whoops, spoiler there), or Mazikeen from being a soulless demon to finding love and acceptance, ‘Lucifer’ shows it all.
It’s the ultimate show of redemption, where even the Devil is redeemed, and the world plunges into a better, hopeful future. And it’s not just the redemption of Lucifer himself, but the characters around him. They support him, love him, and he loves them in return. And it might be one of the very few shows where favoritism differs from person to person.
The Douchifer and Lucidiel bromances are stroooongg!
“Bracelet bros for the win!”
“You are my favorite brother, brother!”
With the passage of time and seasons, we see how the bond between our beloved Detective Douche and Old Scratch increases. The camaraderie they share is a sight for sore eyes and definitely the sweetest thing you might see. They share a sibling-like relationship, having humorous and petty interactions like all siblings do.
Lucifer’s preferred hobby is to annoy Dan by stealing his puddings and bouncing snarky comments at him, and he in turn mocks Lucifer as well. From time to time, Dan gives Lucifer pretty good advice and proves to be good in their bromance part as well. In short, the ‘Bracelet Bros’ are here to entertain you and make you laugh until tears are rolling down your cheeks.

The same can be said regarding Amenadiel and Lucifer’s relationship, which came a long way from being enemies to the best brothers. From plotting to kill Lucifer to send him back to Hell, to supporting the same Lucifer to volunteer for God, Amenadiel has gone through a major transition in the show. Despite starting out as an antagonist, he quickly becomes lovable through his dorky acts, not to mention his immense support and love for his brother. Their bond is something that the audience truly enjoys and loves to explore.
We are all human (or not), no matter our sexuality.
Now, this might be a sore topic for some people, but I would say that this is the best part of the show. The characters are proud of their sexuality and pronouns! In this world, where there are still prejudices against the LGBTQ+ community, ‘Lucifer’ has come forward and openly introduced their characters along with their sexuality.
I love how Lucifer is openly bisexual and Mazikeen, pansexual. The bisexuality of Chloe Decker, though not shown explicitly, is still explored in subtle hints, and little Aurora Decker Morningstar is representative of the Lesbian community. The episode ‘Buckets of Baggage’(season 6) focuses on drag queens, which is also a topic unexplored by most shows.
It openly discusses matters like Black Lives Matter, the corruption inside the LAPD, and police assaults, that ground the show and explore the more sensitive issues of society.
Deckerstar and their will they-won’t they shenanigans!
The will they-won’t they aspect of any relationship can be frustrating, but also exciting. Lucifer is the ultimate ‘will they-won’t they’ show, where one goes from wanting to bash the two idiot’s heads together and shout ‘Kiss now!’ to going all gooey-eyed and awwing at how cute they are together.
Lucifer and Chloe are partners in every sense, where they are stronger together than apart. Both of them are crazily in love and will do anything to protect each other. Lucifer has literally gone to Hell twice, been incinerated, stabbed, shot, and who knows what else for his Chloe.
This fierce protectiveness for each other is something that draws the audience like moths to a flame. They share quiet moments which have their own importance and significance and tell us how perfect they are for each other.

The Ending.
When this Satan show first aired back on Fox in 2016, nobody remotely thought about how the ending would be and now that the show had officially ended, we couldn’t stop crying. Lucifer and Chloe sacrificing their love and life for their daughter Rory, him going back to Hell to be its healer, and Deckerstar eventually finding each other after Chloe’s demise to spend the eternity together, it left the audience in tears and, well, in need of therapy.

The ending showed us hope and a promise for much more. It is undoubtedly one of the serene moments of the show, and when Black Parade’s ‘Chemical Romance’ played on the screen…
“When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city to see a marching band… He said, Son when you grow up, would you be the savior of the broken, the beaten, and the damned..’”
And that hit hard…
Tom Ellis and Lauren German.
Let it be known that the cast of ‘Lucifer’ is beyond perfect, especially Tom Ellis as the handsome Devil and Lauren German as our Detective. They both are tremendously great actors who will make the audience laugh, cry, smile, and feel the emotions the characters are feeling. Tom has done a wonderful job, playing, nay, living the character of Lucifer Morningstar.
We have felt his joy, his pain, his anger and frustration, and love through Tom’s acting skills and it is true that now imagining the Devil as anyone but Tom would be impossible. The same goes for Lauren, who with her acting skills has made Chloe Decker a character very close to our hearts. Tom and Lauren are extremely close friends and their camaraderie is clearly evident on screen as well. Kudos to these muffinios!
Bonus: The Devil can sing!
And just when you think the show is enough, tadaa! Another surprise! Tom Ellis with his beautiful voice surprises the audience by crooning some of the funkiest musicals in the show starting from Sinnerman, Eternal Flames by Bangles, to Luck be a lady tonight, Radiohead’s Creep, Wicked Games, Every Breath you take, and even Bridge over troubled water… His voice will absolutely enthrall you for sure.
So, what are you waiting for? Follow your deepest, darkest desire and binge-watch this Satan show right now!
Fabulous article. Loved reading. Brought back so many wonderful memories. What a character lucifer was. There will never be another like it.
I know right? Really had so much fun writing this article! Also thank you! Glad that you liked it! <3
This is the BEST of your EXCELLENT body of writing!
Thank you!
Thank you! Glad that you liked it! <3