The CPJE (California Practice Standards and Jurisprudence Examination for Pharmacists) is an additional examination that the state of California requires for Pharmacist licensure. The other test is, obviously the NAPLEX.
The California State Board of Pharmacy take their role very seriously. The CPJE is use by the board to ensure the licensing of Pharmacists within the state have a strong understanding and knowledge of pharmaceutical law. The main purpose is consumer protection.
Once deemed eligible by the California State Board of Pharmacy they will notify the licensure certification agency. Those records are logged.
However, once approved by the board and the PSI has been informed then it is your job (the would be Californian Pharmacist) to contact the PSI in order to register, pay and set a time to take the CPJE. IF you fail to take the exam within 1 year of the California Board of Pharmacy eligibility determination then your application is deemed abandoned and expired.
Pre-requisites for CPJE
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Be a graduate of a domestic school of pharmacy or be a graduate of a foreign school of pharmacy and have been certified by the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Examination Committee (FPGEC)
- Have completed at least 150 semester hours of collegiate credit, 90 of which must be from a school of pharmacy
- Have earned at least a baccalaureate degree in a course of study devoted to pharmacy
- Updated 1/5/20105. Have 1,500 hours of approved pharmaceutical experience as a registered intern or one year of experience as a licensed pharmacist in another state. (see below for more detail)
The board is required to expedite the licensure process for an applicant whose spouse or partner is an active duty member of the U.S. Armed Forces and meets other criteria pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 115.5. Please refer to the Pharmacist Examination and Licensure Application Instructions for further information on this requirement.
Intern Hours
An applicant for the pharmacist examination and licensure must complete and provide documentation of 1,500 hours of pharmacy practice experience as an intern pharmacist OR submit verification of licensure as a pharmacist for at least one year in another state. The board will NOT accept transcripts in lieu of the Pharmacy Intern Hours Affidavit(s). A total of 1,500 intern hours is required but does not have to be obtained in one pharmacy location. Intern hours must be earned in the United States.
Documentation of 1,500 Intern Hours
- Intern hours earned in California must be completed on the Pharmacy Intern Hours Affidavit form (17A-29) documenting 1,500 intern hours of pharmacy practice experience as an intern pharmacist.
- Intern hours obtained in anotherstate may be submitted to the board on one of the following forms:
- Verification of License in Another State form (17A-16). If you hold an intern license in another state this form must be submitted verifying the status of your intern license. If the licensing agency in the state where the intern hours were obtained will transfer your intern hours to California, you may request that licensing agency to certify the number of intern hours on this form. Not all state licensing agencies will transfer intern hours to another state. Please contact the state licensing agency directly to verify if they will transfer your intern hours to California along with verifying your license status in that state.
- If the state licensing agency will not transfer your intern hours to California, you are still required to submit proof of your intern hours on the Pharmacy Intern Hours Affidavit form (17A-29) documenting 1,500 hours of pharmacy practice experience as an intern pharmacist. However, you are still required to have the state licensing agency verify the status of your intern license on the Verification of License in Another State form (17A-16).
Licensed as a pharmacist in another state for at least one year.
- Applicants licensed as a pharmacist in any state for at least one year, as certified by the licensing agency of that state, may submit this certification (Verification of License in another State form 17A-16) to satisfy the required 1,500 hours of intern experience, provided that the applicant has obtained a minimum of 900 hours of pharmacy practice experience in a pharmacy as an intern pharmacist or pharmacist.
Source: http://www.pharmacy.ca.gov
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