When brutal spirits are worn by men,
To burn and chop and kill;
When brothers change to brothers-in-arm,
To slew and bleed with chill;
When men start to kill at will,
To end their scores forever;
It brings there a brutal change,
Which ends never in seamless range;
Men feel the blood far and near,
My friend this is a brutal war.
Sometimes it is for endless greed,
Sometimes it is for social creed;
Men-women fight for endless power,
My friend this is a brutal war.
It is the son of malice seed,
Let’s kill it like a poisonous weed;
It ends not in days, month or hour,
My friend this is a brutal war.
Guns go up only for dirty deeds,
It bears no fruit we are in need;
Blood tastes not sweet,
It’s only sour;
My friend this is a brutal war.
Let’s not all go too much insane,
Come let us end this endless bane;
And feel the peace near and far,
My friend this was a brutal war.
By: Vyom Agarwal and Sharad Shukla
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