On the occasion of world heart day active people of manipal arranged for a 3 km walk from MGM college to OPD building of kasturba hospital-manipal.Increasing concern and awareness about heart disease and its prevention among people is a welcome aspect.But most of them are running short of knowledge.And so, to increase its awareness and knowledge this noble act was taken on hand.Free distribution of red t-shirts, thematic dressing , vehicle decoration competition, competitive walkathon and presence of the great athlete Ashwini Nachappa were too good incentives to drag people into the function.
We belonged to few of those strong and dedicated people who succeeded in getting one from the limited number of t-shirts!Below one is the best among the desperate attempts we made to get all four faces in one click.It was taken during opening ceremony which included speeches from well known doctors and of course chief guest Ashwini and few other thought provoking speeches.
I don’t like compromises.So to compensate for the cut image in above one, I got this one clicked.
A scene during probing of participants of thematic dressing and and vehicle decoration competition.Only few of them could give good and valid replies, the beautiful anchor doing probing was probably the reason!
Reds are ready for 3 km walk cum run to TC (tiger circle-heart of manipal)
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