Tips for Choosing Colors For Website

Lingkaran warna
The Wheel of Color

Color is considered emotional, because variations in color may cause different emotions in each person. We all know that green is currency symbol (mercenary), but do we know also that the green is a symbol

greed, envy, and jealousy? Color choices will have a direct effect on the perception of visitors to the company or the products we offer. This is complicated by the fact that the use of color on the web is now limitless: technology development allows us to create millions of color combinations. So what about our choices? This article will help make it easier to understand the basics of choosing colors.
It is important to understand that each color is determined from the positive and negative emotions connected with it, might be called the Varna. The point is that the color will affect the emotional customer for the company, brand or product offered. So when choosing color schemes for your website, or any other media type, you need to be confident with the color on the company or products with colors that invites the audience to always choose a web company or our products.
Let’s take a break and see the dining room, refrigerator, or kitchen cabinets which contains the products that we buy from the grocery store. What color are most of us see? Most, of the visible is red, and many others in between.
Just glance looks dilemari glass, now do we know what was seen in it was, full of DNG color products merah.Chef Boyardee, Kellogg’s, Lipton, Carnation, Ragu, Aunt Jemima, Betty Crocker, Orville Redenbacher‘s, Heinz, Pam, all of these brands use red labels. Why? Red is a color “hot”, and very emotional too. In studies, red actually has a physical affect people, increased by the heart and causes blood pressure to rise, drawing our attention, action scene. and a very powerful color for product packaging.
All colors are fitting / fit into three categories: cool, warm
and neutral. While we can choose any color you like from the categories
Similarly, it is often possible to achieve a more powerful effect by introducing a color from one of the other groups. Let’s take a tough view / perception now how colors work together and masing2 colors mean to the viewer.
Cool colors
Blue, Green, Purple, Turquoise and Silver are cool colors.
Cool colors tend to give effect to the viewer a sense of calm.
Although it is used alone, these colors can have a cold or impersonal, and therefore chose cool colors, it may be wise to add colors from other groups to avoid this.
Here are some of the meanings of some cool colors:
Positive: silence, love, fidelity, security, trust, intelligence
Negative: cold, fear, masculinity
Positive: money, growth, fertility, freshness, healing
Negatives: envy, jealousy, guilt, confusion
-Purple is a combination of blue and red, and therefore found in both the categories
warm or cool
Positive: the king, nobility, spirituality, luxury, Ambition
Negative: mystery, moodiness
Positive: the spiritual, recovery, protection, sophisticated
Negative: jealous, femininity
Positive: glamorous, tall, graceful, sleek
Negative: dreamer, insincere
Warm colors
Red, pink, yellow, orange, purple, and gold are warm colors.
Warm colors tend to have an effect of excitement to the viewer.
However when these colors are used alone can stimulate, generating violent emotion / intensity and anger. When choosing warm tones, add colors from the other groups will help to balance this.
Here are some of the meanings of some warm colors:
Positive: love, energy, power, strength, pain, heat
negative: anger, danger, warning, impatience
positive: a healthy, happy, feminine, compassion, sweet, playful
Negative: weakness, femininity, immaturity
Positive: light / bright, energy, solar, creativity, resourcefulness, happy
Negative: coward, irresponsible, unstable
Positive: the courage, confidence, warmth / friendliness, familiarity, successful
Negative: ignorance, sluggish, excellence
– The color purple is found in both cold and warm colors
Positive: royalty, nobility, spirituality, luxury, ambition
Negative: mystery, moodiness
Positive: wealth, prosperity, valuable, traditional
Negative: greed, dreamer
Neutral colors
Brown, brown, ivory, gray, white and black are the colors neutral.
Neutral colors are a great choice to mix with a palette (painting) warm or cold. those colors are good for background in a design, and also tend to speak more slowly, the use of other more subdue colors. Add black to create a darker “Shade” of a main color, being white is added to create a barge / lighter “color”.
Here are some of the meanings of some neutral colors:
Positive: protection, dramatic, serious, stylish / elegant, formality
Negative: confidentiality, death, crime / disaster, occultation
Positive: security, reliability, intelligence / intelligent, solid, conservative
Negative: moody, sad, conservative
Positive: friendly, earth, out of the house, long life, conservative
Negative: dogmatic, conservative
Tan (fine wool that is still white)
Positive: dependency, flexible, curly, conservative
Negative: dull, boring, conservative
Positive: tranquility, comfort, cleanliness / purity, warm
negative: weak, unstable
Positive: the good, the state of innocence, purity, fresh, easy, clean
Negative: winter, cold, distant
We might wonder, “What is the truth color combinations for a business website? “While there is no absolute” truth “to color website, you need to understand the target audience, and consider their responses about the color, which is not dimilik. If the final goal is to choose a product or company, then the color palette should be set. There are overall factors that marks what visitors like or dislike.
Basic target audience factors to consider is the difference in age / era, class differences, gender differences and the overall trend of color.
(Atomically listed)
Differences in age / age is a key factor that should not be overlooked.
If the teenagers and children are the target visitors, then they like bright, primary colors, primary colors red, blue, yellow and green.
However, unlike adults, older, they’ll love a darker color, similar to the coloring of a group of colors
are neutral.
Class differences are another key factor in choosing a color. U.S. research has shown working class liked the color such as blue, red, green, and others. the more educated tend to prefer the more obscure colors such as taupe, sky blue, celadon, salmon, etc..
The gender difference is a real factor in choosing a color. men tend to prefer cool colors like green and blue, where women prefer warmer colors, red and orange. If we have a listener / observer of both the male and female, who would consider mixing some colors from the palette of cool and warm to both men and women can ask them.
Last but not least is the tendency of the color. By definition, a tendency means “trend”. Choosing colors that are popular, for some form of websites and products, but if we want to present long life and stability of the web, then popular colors are not allowed so it’s best for our website. Instead, we should consider more traditional colors that stand up from time to time.
Choosing color is more to take what feels good to us, is to cause a response other than to see our web. By knowing the target and the different effects of color generated, we obtain an ability larger to determine what the best color to attract visitors.
One final note about the color. Web visitor typically using different monitors, different browsers and different operating systems. It is nearly impossible to ensure that the colors that we make will be the same on each computer as well as being printed.
Do not just related to the difference on a different computer, but how do we try to make consistent. How do we create a color palette for the company, brand identity, or product colors, consistency is key. Use the same color on all marketing efforts to create familiarity with the product or company. Consistency will help attract visitors.

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