Have you ever felt like running away to a peaceful place? A place to think, a place to clear your head , a place to get away from it all? I know for a fact that some of us feel that way all the time! For some , ‘that place’ could be a mountain top whereby just taking in the view of the beautiful valley below can solve all their problems. For others it could be a nearby mustard field, a peaceful meadow or just a park. For me it has always been beaches! I love going to the beach and only after coming to Mangalore did I realize that there were a good number of beaches around to explore and even new beaches that are yet to be discovered. The cool breeze, the breathtaking view of the sea with the tossing waves and the beautiful sunset is bound to get your mind transfixed.
So if you’re looking for some inspiration, an epiphany or something that can clear your head check out these beautiful beaches.
- Someshwara beach: It is located 9 km from the Mangalore city. The huge rocks are indeed the biggest attraction. The beach is maintained well and immaculate. The view and the sunset are bound to astound you! So if you’re lying in bed on that lazy Sunday afternoon I suggest you pay a visit to this beach and awake your senses.
The sunset at Someshwar Beach - Panambur beach:This beach is very popular and the sporting activities are sure to engage the young and old who visit this beach. I would suggest that, as soon as you hit the beach, just go with the flow! At the end of the day, you will feel as if you have revisited your childhood. On the other hand, what if you’re not up for all the activities? Fear not, because there is an extension of the beach where you can relax and have a peaceful time away from the common din.
The beauty of Panambur Beach - Suratkal beach: Located 12 km from the Mangalore city, it is definitely one of the beaches that is well maintained and while you are there, don’t forget to check out the cool Lighthouse.
- Sultan Battery: Located in Boloor , Mangalore – this is one of those small beaches where you can plan and go immediately as it is not far away from the city. The grove of trees, not so far from the shoreline is so picturesque in its beauty! Moreover, you have to take a fun short ferry ride to get to the beach.
Other well-known beaches are the Tannirbavi beach and the Ullal beach. I am sure there are more unexplored beaches out there that are awaiting your visit. So what are you waiting for? Whenever you get a holiday, don’t be a couch-potato and sit in front of your television or laptop. Instead, explore these treasures of nature, collect seashells, build a sand castle, take a swim, try to fight the waves, write your name on the sand and watch the waves swallow it into the sea. Bring out the child you once were!
I’d like to conclude this with some words of wisdom by Mark Twain:
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.”
So, have fun exploring!
Happy blogging guys!
- Panambur beach:This beach is very popular and the sporting activities are sure to engage the young and old who visit this beach. I would suggest that, as soon as you hit the beach, just go with the flow! At the end of the day, you will feel as if you have revisited your childhood. On the other hand, what if you’re not up for all the activities? Fear not, because there is an extension of the beach where you can relax and have a peaceful time away from the common din.
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