School of Communication remembers Dr.M V. Kamath

Manipal School of Communication (SOC) organized a small and yet meaningful function ?Remembering Dr. M V Kamath??? today?? in their campus. Dr. Ballal, Pro Chancellor, Manipal University, Prof. Nandini Lakshmikantha, Director, SOC along with other University dignitaries lit the lamp in his honor.

On this occasion, faculty, students and the guests shared their memories of the days spent with M.V.Kamath. A short documentary about M.V.Kamath was screened and a floral tribute was performed as part of the program.

Dr.H.S.Ballal, Pro Chancellor, Manipal University presiding over function remembered his long time association with Dr. M V Kamath. He explained the passion MVK had towards Udupi and the support extended by him to Dr. T M A Pai in establishing a medical college here. The Pro-chancellor promised to construct a state of the art library in SOC in honor of M.V.Kamath.M V Kamath Shraddanjali

Dr. Nandini Lakshmikantha, on being asked about the future plans about the programs to remember the institutes Honorary Director, ?Kamath had hunger for intellectual debates. So in his memory from this year SOC intends to organize a debate competition ? ProVerb. The School also intends to arrange an endowment lecture that will be open for all Journalism students studying in the district? she explained.Manipal School of Communication

Palette of Design (POD), SOC?s official art and creativity club members contributed to the function by displaying the photographs and works of M.V.Kamath. The student cultural committee helped in organizing the event.

Prof.Padmakumar faculty at SOC gave a vote of thanks.


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