I was going to call it the Night Owls in Manipal but figured this would work everywhere. This is for those people like me at this point who have to deal with obnoxious neighbors in the building who haven’t got anything better to do then smoke up cannabis (I could smell it) and play music with tons of base till the wee hours every night. I don’t know about others but I can’t sleep unless I’ve got everything quiet. More specifically nothing except the fan / ac / occasional horn an stuff is alright but not a constant thump. It just doesn’t happen.
My question is..do these people not have any common sense? I know common sense isn’t that common here but seriously. It’s almost 2AM, you might not have anything to do in the morning, actually I’m sure you don’t. Or maybe you can show up completely high and intoxicated to your class / what not, but these are options we don’t have. Most people like to sleep. 12 is usually the last anyone wants to hear anything from OUTSIDE their house.
I mean Fri / Sat is understandable, but after that? During the week? Esp like today..it 2 AM on MONDAY. Beginning of the work week. Most people have 8 – 9 hour days here.
I went up an told em to lower it..they did..about 2 decibels. How can people be so rude and inconsiderate is beyond my comprehension / understanding. Does it feel to them perhaps after cannabis that their balls get bigger and they enjoy the sufferance of others? My question to the awesome readers of ManipalBlog, how would / do you deal with this situation? Just a simple talk to them? The guards / security is useless as well as the beyond useless building managers mostly. Can I call the cops? I mean I know Cannabis is forbidden. But that would be drastic. Joining is out of the question. Or at the end..just live with it?
?Kanwar Singh read this, it embodies your sentiments (and mine) quite well, I’m sure you’ll appreciate it
In the hostels, call the caretaker.
Outside the hostels: Well, you go outside the hostels for this independance only 🙂
So wait your idea of independence is to blast loud music all night when you live in an apartment building? A separate house I can perhaps understand but not in an apartment. Empathy ring a bell? Some basic considerations should be the first steps in achieving independance.
For someone its music, for some its drugs. For some its owning a vehicle, for some its smoking, for some its drinking.
For some its simply being able to move about freely, or to eat the food they want to eat.
Everyone has different reasons to move out, but the core reason behind all these different reasons is a disagreement with hostel rules
Used to happen back at the hostels.I called the warden once an surprisingly enough he said “You take the responsibility” and he kept repeating it over during the conversation. I mean damn it what are you the warden for ? gimme you pay if you want me to take the responsibility. Don’t really have the time to write all these letters else I would.
And yes I would definitely call the warden and cops subsequently if they don’t comply after a polite request and I can’t really sleep.
Used to happen back at the hostels.I called the warden once an
surprisingly enough he said “You take the responsibility” and he kept
repeating it over during the conversation. I mean damn it what are you
the warden for ? gimme you pay if you want me to take the
responsibility. Don’t really have the time to write all these letters
else I would.
And yes I would definitely call the warden and cops subsequently if they
don’t comply after a polite request and I can’t really sleep.
Cant say about the others, but 14th-17th block, calling the caretaker after loud music usually works, as long as the person keeps the music on and the caretaker hears it.
Then, next day the warden does take the guys case well 🙂