Its not about my own ‘flame’ as several manipalites might have guessed!! But about our short and unexpected meeting with the true flame. Being an integral part of many Indian ceremonies and 1 of the 5 basic components of earth structure and being associated with Olympics, The Flame conveys multiple positive meanings off which we could not think of even a single when the oil in our cooking utensil pulled the flame from the gas stove on which it was sitting!! The intensity is not so obvious in the capture , but its not tough to understand that when it was at its maximum we didn’t have the guts to store it behind the camera lens.
Considering the shape of the vessel it was hard to find the way the fire traveled from below upwards but I was in no position to do R & D on that. Plus in a sort of panic, I killed one of the very basic funda of physics. I tried to blow it!!And for a fraction of a second, it spread in the area 2 to 3 times of vessel’s. Lucky enough were we, for not having any switches nearby! Well, I realized my mistake immediately followed by a single wise decision to turn off the gas at least.
I had been a guy of physics in my school and the ‘blow mistake’ was really blowing my head. I recovered a bit after a second attempt blow by my friend who was witnessing all these happenings throughout and was happy to reconsider my physics, at least better than others!!
When it was over we realized the positive connotations associated with the flame and at my age 1st to come to my mind was expectedly marriage!! I wished I had a girl of my choice standing aside so that we could use the opportunity and finish our ‘saat phere’ around the fire!! (for my parents-I was just kidding!)
To end, just have a look of poor victim!!the vessel
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