From school captain to the college nobody; it’s been quite a transformation, hasn’t it? The first year in an engineering college. Sounds very fancy and maybe at a certain level it is. For most people it is the first time they leave the safe confinements of home and enter a world strange and vague. To leave your cushioned life and reestablish yourself can be a herculean task.
So how do you do it? How do you make sure that you are different from the thousands of your batch who are going pass out after four years? What do you do to stand out so that when a company comes for placements, it takes you without a shadow of a doubt. Because like it or not, that is what it’s all about.
A disclaimer first, this is not a “How to get what you want in college” self-help kind of a thing. This is just an old horse sharing with you how the next four years are going to be the most amazing years of your life. What is actually so special about college? Why all this hype? Two reasons – You are 18. And you have infinite freedom. This is the perfect age to enjoy all that is good that comes with being an adult, without the mundane responsibilities that come with it. I almost forgot the most important reason- you are in a Manipal college.
Now that you’ve been here for almost a month, I’m sure you have had a taste of what life in Manipal and a Manipal college is all about. Trust me, it’s just going to get better. With time as you lose your inhibitions, you become more acquainted with your surroundings, you get involved with more college activities, you have more deadlines to meet and most importantly as you get closer to all your friends , life here will just get better.
Imagine four days when academics take a backseat, the entire college is abuzz with a plethora of activities, you get opportunities to learn and to show off your talents. Welcome to the world of college fests. Very simply put, these four days are when the entire college gets together to play host and to enjoy a different side of college life all together. If you are on the other side of the fence, organizing events, you have so many more experiences. The long working hours, the relentless hard work that is essential to put up a good show, the drama that surrounds it- all of it just gives you memories you’ll never forget besides giving real-time managerial and leadership experience. Just make sure you make the most of the two national level fests that take place in your college, it’ll help you go a long way.
Needless to say, academics play a very crucial role in building up a successful future. That is one of the major reasons for your being here anyway. Instead of cramming up, try understanding what the seemingly difficult gibberish is actually all about. I know it sounds very weird, but try seeing the beauty in a concept. We have one of the most well stacked libraries in the country. Make full use of it.
Maintaining the correct balance is the most crucial factor and all the success stories that have passed out of college are just living examples of that. Everyone’s college experience is different and unique in its own way, but there is one common link between all of them- the experience is, without the shadow of a doubt, the most cherished one you’ll ever have.
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