Mangalore – “Scene and the Unseen”

Nature attracts all our five senses. Sight of beautiful mountains, sea, sunrise, sunset and waterfalls. Fragrance of flowers and petrichor (smell of the mud after the first rain), sound of the chirping birds, waves hitting the shore and the blowing wind. Feel of the breeze swishing your hair, rain drops falling on your palms, smooth petals of flowers delight to the taste buds by the seasonal fruits and the sweet nectar of the tropical flowers.

Mangalore- the land of incessant rain and humidity. It’s raining now and 2 minutes later you find yourself sweating under the yolk of humidity which, it seems, it’s partial to this magnificently diverse land. “Kudla” as the localities call it has its own elements of nature including beaches, waterfalls, coconut trees, paddy fields etc. Mangalore – surrounded by many eye catching and breath taking tourist hot spots like Coorg, Chikkamaglur, Goa, Agumbe , Gokarna, St. Mary’s  Island and many others. Now here is the glimpse of nature in and around Mangalore.


“Sometimes we get to be the sunshine on someone’s cloudy day.”
-Katrina Mayer
And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down, for without the rain there is no rainbow.
“Raindrops upon my windshield, distorting all the light. Falling directly from heavens, to help things tonight. Each drops contains pure beauty, that god had lent to us and when the earth returns them, we ought not to fuss. For when evaporation, takes them back again it’s just the cycle beginning, and lets pray it never ends.”
-Kerry O’Neal Kendrick

Life like nature has its own hurricanes, storms, tornadoes, and nature is destroyed and it overcomes it finally the bud blossoms and green is back.

yellow golden pheasant
From behind cages… The monsoons of Mangalore do this to the human species in this coastal city…
Same as in life we have ups and downs just overcome them and break through the cage obstructing your aim and fly high and live your dream.

The Beaches of Mangalore

Nature has its best in beaches to relax on the sand and just feel the wind blowing, and hear the waves hitting the shore. Building mud palaces, collecting seashells, seeing the sun cover up itself under the blanket of water, starfishes, crabs are all the part of the beaches. Here are a few moments of those.

Life is the mere reflection showing what’s within you and beyond you.( Surathkal beach at Mangalore)
And as the sun sets… the shadows lengthen… the glory of Mangalore’s beaches is reflected on the sands…
A cloudy and windy day at Summers sands, Mangalore
“Every sunset brings the promise of new dawn”
-Ralf Waldo Emerson
tannirbavi beach (3)
The Mangalore coastline is dotted with some pristine and not so pristine beaches… The Tannirbhavi Beach is one of the few that still retains its charm!!
tannirbavi beach
Another view of Taneerbavi beach , Mangalore.

Taneerbavi beach , Mangalore.

A Star fish lost on the sands of Taneerbavi beach , Mangalore.
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Reflections on a day gone by… at Taneerbavi beach , Mangalore.


Pilikula literally means Tiger’s lake. In Tulu “pili” means tiger and “kula” means lake. In olden days, tigers used to come to this lake to drink water. Henceforth, this lake came to be known as Pilikula. Pilikula is an integrated theme park with wide variety of features; it has many attractions of cultural and scientific interest. Pilikula extends over an area of 400 acres along the banks of Gurupura River.

Yellow colored parakeets at Pilikula Mangalore
A Stag Horn Deer poses for a photograph at Pilikula, Mangalore
Tropical wild ducks at Pilikula Nisargadhama, Mangalore
monkey @pilikula
A Monkey lost in thought perhaps? At the Pilikula nisargadhama, Mangalore
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Yellow golden pheasant at Pilikula Nisargadhama


Chikkamaglur the “coffee land” is a small hilly town in the Western Ghats. Chikmagalur City takes its name from the word “Chikkamagala Uru” which literally means younger daughter’s town (in Kannada). It is said to have been given as a dowry to the younger daughter of Rukmangada, the legendary chief of Sakrepatna. Another part of the town bestowed on the elder daughter is known as Hiremagalur. Carved against a mountainous canvas this beautiful Malnad district is full of surprises. The hill stations, the waterfalls, the historical temples, trekking places and the wildlife sanctuaries make this region a tourist paradise.

Coffee flower blossoming in the rain in a coffee estate in Chikkamagalur
One of the numerous waterfalls that are active only during the monsoons in Chikamagalur
Beautiful Shishilakudi trekking place in Chikkamagalur
We are like clouds. Sometimes we are fat, sometimes we are thin. Sometimes we are high as a kite; sometimes we are low and dark. But in the end we are all just vapor floating on the wind.
Every cloud has a silver lining.

Nature plays a major role and has a profound impact on the lives of all us; it can be a friend or a foe. From the time a being comes into existence, it almost immediately, becomes aware of the necessary connection with the outside world. The bond between man and nature is expected, as both are interlinked with each other. This bond is necessary for both existence and sanity. Nature determines many aspects of one’s life, even ones of life and death. The conflicts that the environment provides enable man to become stronger and he triumphs or fails at daily struggles.

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