If you thought that accessorizing was merely for the fairer sex then you need to mull over that again. Essentially, while women tend to spend the better part of the day trying to decide the earrings, chains and bracelets that will go with their perfect little black dress, men are not far behind as they too are taking the time to dress up in a classier way and shirking the age-old trend of just putting on what comes to hand. One of the greatest examples to support this fact is the long list of male celebs from all over the globe who have welcomed precious, semi precious and other kinds of jewellery with open arms. Just like every company has its own logo and trademark, these celebrity men have managed to transform a piece of jewellery as their own trademark. Therefore, when you think of a particular piece of jewellery, you can instantly associate that particular superstar with that jewellery. Given below is a list of some of the well-known superstars that have managed to not just look dapper wearing jewellery but have also influenced men all over the globe with their effortless style.
- David Beckham:
With the FIFA fever running fast and wild the world over, it is only apt to include a footballer as the top influential superstar who loves his jewellery. He is, perhaps, one of the few men who can flaunt hippie chains and bracelets and still manage to look uber cool and smoking hot at the very same time. David Beckham effortlessly manages to wear leather bracelets without making it look sleazy. Besides, you will often find him wearing chic yet trendy looking chunky necklaces and bracelets that look like they were made for him alone. Victoria Beckham seems to have a greater influence over his style but we are not complaining. Men from all over the globe not just look up to him as a footballer legend but as a fashion icon as well.
- Salman Khan:
Whether he is being the notorious police officer in Dabanngg or doing massive charity work off the screen, you will always find him wearing a slick bracelet that has a blue stone embedded in it that looks like it would fall off his hand any instant. He has worn that for several years now and he considers it to be his lucky bracelet. The bracelet may be his lucky charm giving him the strength and the courage to help the less fortunate with his Being human charity and encouraging the success of his films making each film a bigger blockbuster than the previous one but you cannot ignore the fact that it also makes for an excellent style statement and fans from all over the globe make it a point to buy replicas of his bracelet.
- Christiano Ronaldo:
The Portugal footballer who is known for his intensely charming good looks and unmatchable skills when it comes to playing the game is also the brand ambassador for a watch company in lieu with his fetish for wearing stylish wrist watches. Whether he is out with loved ones or on work, he will always make sure that he wears a wrist watch to go with his outfit. He loves splurging on new wrist watches and is probably the only piece of jewellery that he swears by.
- Bappi Lahiri:
He is easily the country’s Golden Man. When you speak of Bappi Lahiri, you automatically correlate it with lots and lots of gold. It is impossible to picture Bappi da stepping out of his home without his signature gold chains, bracelets. He loves his gold and is not afraid to let the world know about it.
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