This story is for all Harry Potter fans, and particularly for those who wanted a better ending. I really liked Deathly Hallows but one fine day, I decided to make my own version of the story. It’s after Half Blood Prince (6th book) and is an alternate universe scenario featuring Superman.
It’s been 2 years since the death of Albus Dumbledore- Lord Voldemort has taken over the Ministry Of Magic, the Order of The Phoenix has fallen apart, and Harry Potter is missing……fear runs rampant and all hope has vanished……However, Fate decides to play a little game-the very fabric of reality is stretched to it’s seams as two universes merge-and suddenly there is a light in the darkness-balancing the equation-setting up the last fight for freedom-as He emerges from the Darkness to fight for Good-Superman……..
My next post will be the first chapter, and so on from there…………hope you have fun……………………….enjoy the ride………….
* DISCLAIMER: Hereby, I solemnly state that all characters and Harry Potter himself is owned by J.K.Rowling. I’m just playing with them……….
An alternate reality with Superman? hmmm… this could get interesting…