Things every woman should know:
- You don’t want to be defined by your genitalia; men don’t want to be looked at as a walking, talking cash machine. Buy your own drinks and when you do allow a guy to buy you a drink, make sure it’s someone you are actually interested in as no one likes to be used.
- Learn how to drink intelligently. Don’t be the kind of girl that has to be carried to the car and then has to be put into bed every time you go out with your girlfriends. This might be an amusing story to tell if it’s a one time only deal but there is nothing worse than a woman who can’t hold her own when out on the town.
- I don’t care how sensitive or understanding he is or claims to be, do not under any circumstances talk about your menstrual cycle with a guy. They do not want to hear it. Save this subject for our fellow female counterparts. Your gay male friend is not the exception, trust me.
- Lose your sense of entitlement. Whether you are a “starving” college student or come from a wealthy background, it still doesn’t exempt you from tipping at a bar or restaurant. Thinking that tipping is your friend’s or boyfriend’s responsibility just makes you look like you have absolutely no class.
- Don’t fall for the hot guy that is “too busy” to see you or refuses to make solid plans with you. Everyone in our culture is busy, if he really wanted to see you he would, so make yourself unavailable when this jerk just happens to show up at your door unexpectedly or calls you at 2 a.m.
- No one wants to be the girl who brings a condom on a date just in case; however, it is better to be prepared than to get a present that requires pills, ointment or worse.
The information is all confusing for the girls 🙂 he he — make it simple you silly.
You have mixed it all up
the menstrual cycle part isn’t true! i wouldn’t mind being told what girls have to go through.