So, a few days back, a huge controversy had erupted on the MIT 2014 batch’s Facebook Group. Apparently, one Vivek Khalko, had posted a petition urging the authorities to vacate Sutta Point, a location that happens to be beyond the toll-gate at Kamath Circle that features shops that sell cigarettes and cold drinks, among fast food items and others.
The College Board of Trustees voted unanimously to ban Sutta Point and to direct the colleges to provide condoms (prophylactics) for sale on campus. The vote took place after nearly twenty four hours of consideration of a health resolution which tackled the question of cigarette sales and access to condoms on campus. Both of these resolutions are very pointed and directed toward health matters that affect not only students and employees, but also the larger community,” said the resolution’s audior, trustee Gag Krum Kum.
The resolution goes on to state, Cigarettes and alcohol are two of the most insidious health problems that civilization faces. If people want to insist on putting ‘nails in their coffins,’ then they can buy them anywhere else. This suggestion has caused quite a stir among many of the students, as it apparantely implies that DeeTee may be on the radar of the board of trustees!
According to Guam Kant, general secretary of the student council, the only bookstore that didn’t sell cigarettes was at nearby DeeTee. She said that no college in the entire district was providing condoms for sale. Guam said that Student council president , Pagan Harry Nat, would probably have a cabinet meeting to determine how to provide for the sale of condoms on campus. She added that several other college bookstores are already offering condoms for sale.
Given the circumstance of the spread of AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) and sexually transmitted diseases, condoms should be easily available.
Student Council president Pagan Harry Nat, stated that the students have been eagerly awaiting this vote on the question of providing condoms for sale on campuses. He went on to say that the student affairs committee has been considering this matter for their last five or six meetings.
P.S: All facts in this article are made up. But you already knew that din’t you?
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Awesome. Satire at its best
@Anonymous: Thanks.