Having a good college for graduation has become a necessity of today. Especially when attending a medical school, it has always been a conflict as to which institution is better: CMC Vellore or KMC Manipal. Both these colleges are the most esteemed colleges in India, with constant competition for the ranking. We will take a close look at the various elements in both the colleges and decide upon the best one:
CMC Vellore:
Christian Medical College Vellore is a very renowned private medical institution. It included a wide network of secondary, primary, and tertiary care hospitals and was founded by the renowned Dr Ida Scudder. It is well known for its departments of Gastroenterology, Neurosciences, and Hematology. CMC Vellore started the first college of nursing in India. CMC Vellore has a campus of 90 acres. The college has competent faculty and a good research and innovation centre. The placement of CMC is 160 out of 200 according to EW Medical College ranking.
The college has one of the best infrastructure and support systems out of most medical colleges across India. The academic structure in CMC is research-based giving it a cutting edge over all the colleges in India. The cost of education in CMC is reasonably low compared to the other medical colleges in our country. The college consists of 550 doctors, 122 professors, 56 associate professors, and 156 lecturers.
With a lot of practical experience right from the start, CMC gives a chance to their students to have an overall development and grow to succeed in the competitive world today.
KMC Manipal:
Kasturba Medical College is the first self-financing medical institutes in India. It is recognized worldwide as an esteemed medical institution, and students from nearly 44 countries have graduated from it. It has the Deemed University status granted by the government of India.
It has student exchange programs with multiple universities all over the world, including Operation Eyesight Universal, Canada; Dundee University, Scotland; Loma Linda University, USA. This system helps students get a wider knowledge of the field of medicine and learn from different cultures and benefit from their shared research.
KMC Manipal has multiple teaching hospitals in places like Manipal, Mangalore, Udupi, and Karkala. KMC Manipal has a 648-acre wide campus with multiple institutions within. Nearly 2057 students’ enrol in this college every year. It has a faculty of 435 members.
Comparing CMC Vellore With KMC Manipal:
Level of education:
The level of education in both institutions is of excellent quality. CMC Vellore is a better college for these criteria because of its research-based methods of education. Through the KMC student exchange program, students can have a wider scope than students from CMC.
The Faculty in CMC Vellore is better than KMC Manipal. While it is true that both the colleges have highly experienced faculty, CMC Vellore is an institute that ranks the highest in terms of having the best faculty.
Student enrollment:
Student enrollment in CMC is 361, and at KMC are 465 this year. KMC has more seat but then again CMC can be said to be more exclusive of the two.
Student placement:
If you are looking to study abroad, KMC will serve better. But placement wise, CMC outranks KMC because of its reach in the national medical zone.
Again, CMC is known all over India for its accomplished research in the field of medical sciences. It was the institute that first performed the reconstructive surgery entailing for leprosy across the world, and the first successfully administered open-heart surgeries in India, first-ever kidney transplant, and first of it’s kind bone marrow transplant in India.
Overall development:
All the above factors considered, we can conclude that though both colleges are exceptional in their own place CMC Vellore is a better college to have a medical degree from than KMC Manipal.
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