Innocence – A Poem by Aditi Sharma
I can hear it cracking inside of me, Shattering, rending piece by piece Some fall like crystals from my eyes, Some scream the silence with the utmost ease. I don’t wish for a miracle, I don’t want to repair. I […]
I can hear it cracking inside of me, Shattering, rending piece by piece Some fall like crystals from my eyes, Some scream the silence with the utmost ease. I don’t wish for a miracle, I don’t want to repair. I […]
She was radiant like the sunshine, And calm like the sea. Yet she had darkness of the eclipse, And wildness of the beasts. Holding on to the silence, She could sing melodies hymns. Goodness she possessed, Though she had committed […]
The waves of the ocean echoed through the night as I lay alone in silence, The full moon glittered but hid between those white clouds in shyness, As I lay on the crystals of the beach sand counting a million […]
I walked home one evening, after an uneventful day. Something happened, that changed the course of my thoughts forever. Here’s a retelling, reliving that memory. […]
The original is one of my favourite films of all time, and there was a lot of expectation riding on this one. The fact that this is historic across many respects added only to the expectations and the film delivered. Although it hasn’t taken too many liberties with the story playing fast and loose with audience emotions, a near-perfect film doesn’t need much tampering to begin with. A fun watch and an introduction to Pride Rock for a whole new generation of fans! […]
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