It’s that time of the year again when you grumble on getting all drenched and keep snoozing your alarm clocks. Monsoons! One of the many characteristic feature of Mangalore that becomes a part and parcel of your life from the day you land in this city. Mangalore rains are one of a kind, you are bound to get swamped at the end of the day. But what does a photographer’s eye search in midst of such cozy and lazy weather? Presenting to you, the “Mangalore monsoons captured”—

This universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper. All you need to do is to chase your passions. One new perception, one fresh thought, one-act of surrender, one change of heart, one leap of faith, can change your life forever. So, if you too want to get your passion for writing and photography featured here, send them all at nidhi@manipalblog.com or mlore@manipalblog.com.
Stay tuned and keep clicking!
About the Author: The pictures here are clicked by our Guest Blogger- Gitanjali Kumari, studying in KMC, Mangalore in the Batch of 2011.
The article and the picture captions are written by Nidhi.
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