Motivation and Spirituality

The Power of Choice

As we live our lives everyday, we mould our future with the choices we make. At the age of around twenty, most of us know this. But simply knowing this is not enough. You see, half of us know this […]

Stargazers Familiar Footsteps and Such
Motivation and Spirituality

Appreciating The Grey

Most of us live our life with a well-defined concept of good and bad. It’s a concept that’s been defined for us since childhood, something that had been inculcated in the very roots of our subconscious minds, primarily through the […]

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Motivation and Spirituality

Friendship at its Fiercest

Friends are the family you choose. What do you value the most in your best friend? Is it their ability to laugh with you for hours on end, is it the support that they give when you’re down, Or is it the unconditional love they have for you. […]


An Ode to the Avengers

Iron Man had a Malfunctioning heart, The Hulk tore his own life apart. Captain America watched his best friend die, Black Widow killed innocents without knowing why. Thor lost everyone he loved one by one, Scarlet Witch did things that […]