A Minute – Abhay Dhall
you came, i sawi saw, you stayed you stayed, i heardi heard, you said you said, i thoughti thought, you frowned you frowned, i smiledi smiled, you felt you felt, i criedi cried, you held you held, i felli fell, […]
you came, i sawi saw, you stayed you stayed, i heardi heard, you said you said, i thoughti thought, you frowned you frowned, i smiledi smiled, you felt you felt, i criedi cried, you held you held, i felli fell, […]
Atrophied dreams and heightened nightmaresSilent screams and poisoned warfareAnd she let it lie thereThe white tear from a broken string of pearlsWatching it closelyManifestations of lightAnd darkness unabridgedAnd she saw it lie thereInto nothingness came everythingAnd into everything her nothingness […]
Pregnant pause.Precocious cause.Silent fright.Humour light.Puerile plight.Seen in unbridled light.Semantics futile.Kiss the neck,slight.Languid licks.Chortled miff.Incessant sighs.Curious cries.Open right.Giddying high.Shock and surprise.Slow strides.Acid touch.Leave love.Caress lust.
The ancient sun and the silver starsand all the other hidden powers, they are all just an illusion in youbut you still consider them to be so true? The sun is you and you are the sunfor that was the […]
Birds flying beneath the oceansand fishes swimming across the sky.Believe me my friend, what I narrate to you is not a lie. You will see such magiconly if your eyes are open more wide.And you will see the beauty of […]
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