Apps that will help you stay on track with your personal goals

apps for personal goals
Graphic: Nayana Dhanya

Ever since we were all forced to confine in our homes, many of us have taken up many new hobbies and personal goals to keep our minds occupied. 

Some resumed their 2020 new year resolutions, some picked up new interests, while others focused on working from home and completing their deadlines on time. However, this process of making goals and keeping up with them is strenuous, and what we all have in common is the lack of motivation to keep moving forward with all the commitments that we have taken up. 

We often get sidetracked by things like TV shows, video games, or even something as trivial as social media; others lack the disciple to keep going despite wanting to. 

We, at ManipalBlog, know how hard it is to keep yourself motivated through a tough time like this, where all you can do is stare at four walls or our screens; But don’t worry, we have you covered. 

personal goals
Personal Goals Graphic: Nayana Dhanya

ManipalBlog brings you seven apps that have been tried and tested to help you motivate yourself, which you can access on your mobile phone to keep you motivated throughout quarantine and help you become the best version of yourself. 


Habitica makes setting goals super fun through their innovative approach towards keeping you motivated. Instead of bombarding you reminders and alarms, Habitica, which is available on both iOS and Android devices, helps you stay focused by turning everything into a game, making it so much easier to keep you on top of your goals.

Through this app, you can track your to-do list, monitor your habits and progress, all while playing games, alone or with other users from all around the world!

Habitica also has its own social media platform, which you can use to stay updated on your friend’s goals and motivate each other through friendly competition. 


We understand that playing games to stay motivated is not everyone’s cup of tea, as some people might be motivated by statistics and numbers to help them complete their goals. If you are one of these people, Then WAY of Life is the app for you! 

WAY OF LIFE helps you track your progress through pie charts, bar graphs, and other statistical methods. 

This app is very personalized and functions on your input. 

You have to feed the app data about your personal goals, whether these goals area good or bad for you and the app will do the rest of the work. Helping you remember your personal goals through daily reminders, this app also provides you with daily progress charts to understand how far you’ve come and lacked. 

This app has a simple user interface and is available for both Apple and Android Users. 

Coach Me 

If you are trying to eat healthy, workout, or attain your fitness goals, Coach me will be your favorite among all these apps. Coach me, which is perfect for fitness enthusiasts, has one of the best user interfaces among all the apps in the list and helps you stay motivated by providing small rewards for every personal goal you accomplish. 

The app also gives you a lot of exposure to people in the community who are trying to achieve similar personal goals are enabled you to network with them and ask them for their fitness tips and tricks. 

The app, available on android and iOS devices, also has a premium feature that will allow you to hire a lifetime virtual coach for the cost of Rs 1000, which gives you a personalized touch to help you stay motivated. 


Maybe your goals don’t match any of those mentioned above, perhaps you’re motivated, but you have a problem managing your time due to your enormous workload.  

If you are just related to the paragraph above, you need the ATracker App. 

ATracker App, which is available to Andriod and iOS users, is a time management app that is smart and gives you insight on how you have been spending your day.  

This app helps you realize all your time management flaws and points out exactly where you waste precious time through pie charts and statistical depictions that help you correct your schedule and enable you to have highly productive days. The app also gives you monthly and yearly statistics to help you plan in advance.


Toodledoo provides you with all the powerful tools you need to possess to have a day with maximum functionality and productivity. Toodledoo works like your personal assistance and works at your convenience.  

Through Toodledoo, you can make customized plans, lists, and set your own deadlines. But Toodledoo is more than just your average progress tracking app. 

Toodledoo, along with helping you make personal goals and keep up with them, also offers features like notepads, enabling you to create well-designed plans. You can also use toodle-oo to stay in touch with friends, family, and colleagues and helps you collaborate with them to keep on track, making it one of the best apps on the android and iOS market to keep you motivated. 

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About the Author – Diya Is an 18-year-old with a passion for music, writing, and watching the same five TV shows over and over again.

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