#35 ( A Paranormal Romance Story)

lost places, elevator, underground #35
Photo by Tama66 on Pixabay

A putrid stench wafted out of the door the second she opened it.

“One minute, let me spray some air freshener.”

It was the first time she had brought over a man to her dorm room. The rules allowed it but placed a curfew. Her roommate was more judgmental; thankfully, she was out shopping today.

The malodor was masked by sickly chemical jasmine. Her visitor didn’t seem to mind. “Must be heaven compared to the dung heap his hostel is,” she thought.

She pulled him by the collar, and they both collapsed on the sofa, giggling at their silliness and captivated by young love.

Sudden noises distracted the lovers; a chair levitated a few feet away. As she inhaled deeply to let out a scream, the chair came hurtling towards them. He pushed her out of the way, and the chair broke on the wall behind them. They beat a hasty retreat.

“It’s a spirit. One in anguish. Male.” A tongue darted out from between her paan-stained lips and tasted the air. “19, not 20 years old. Come on in, dear, he won’t do anything while I’m here,” the woman gestured inwards, her beads jangling.

The girl cowered outside the door. “Who is he?”

“You know any boys who committed suicide when you spurned their advances?”

“No, only two boys have approached me my entire life.”

“Just as I suspected, pathetic. Don’t worry, sweetie, he’s latched his soul to this room.”

She handed in transfer papers to a different dorm the next day.


Four years had passed.

“Excuse me,” she stopped a passing boy, “is this a male dormitory now?”

“Yeah, been so, for three years.”

“What about room 35?”

“Oh, that room,” he said with a wink, “it’s still our unofficial love quarters.”


  1. I like the chair, it was so innocent, I bet the true inspiration was injustice towards the innocent and weak, how we can be pulled into any situation just by chance, our inability to get away forces us to go through pain, suffering and even demise .

    • That chair, I bet its only child ( the stool) will rise up against this horrific crime. And become Man-stool.

  2. I find this story well written, descriptive without being lengthy. My kinda read, its gets you to think for a second without losing yourself in the details or underlying story. Kudos. 🙂

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