50 Part Time Money Making Businesses

Part time businesses are many. To introduce I have made a list below….

  1. Rubber stamp business
  2. Car buying Consultancy
  3. Courier Service
  4. Personal Fitness trainer
  5. Freelance writer
  6. Fundraiser
  7. Antique restoration service
  8. Telephone Booth
  9. TV Serials – acting, directing, choreography, make up etc..
  10. Assembling products at home
  11. Manufacturing: Steel frames, Window and door frames, carpentry, garden cleaning and other equipments like sprayers etc.
  12. Interior decoration
  13. Aquarium Maintenance – booth large scale and small scale
  14. Ad magazines publication
  15. Adverstising agency
  16. Become a consultant: computer, environment, health care, marketing, human resources, agricultural and engineering
  17. Commercial products sales or distributorship
  18. film distribution
  19. Beautician – beauty parlours, hair dressers
  20. Bicycle repair, mechanic shop
  21. Cosmetologist
  22. Directory publishing
  23. CD Copiers
  24. Deposit collection, post office agents, LIC agents etc..
  25. Housekeeping
  26. Laundry service – Dry cleaning
  27. Lawn cutting
  28. Loan, Tax consultancy – Brokerage
  29. Magician
  30. Market research
  31. Painter, board writing
  32. Detective agency
  33. Documentary film maker
  34. Screen printing
  35. Swimming pool maintenance
  36. TV,VCR Repair
  37. Translation service
  38. Medical Transcription
  39. Motor repairs; winding
  40. Food delivery service
  41. Electrician
  42. Book shop – Old books selling including greeting cards, stationery, posters etc.
  43. International consultant
  44. Air ticket booking; tain booking for commission
  45. Conducting camps
  46. Event management
  47. Pizza parlour
  48. Wood crafts business
  49. Stamp vendors; typing documents etc.
  50. Sports and recreation – selling products

The lsit is not exhaustive. There are innumerable money making ideas. Recent addition is 2D and 3D animation specialist. According to NASSCOM study the Indian animation industry us about 550 million dollars and expected to grow at 30% annualy in the near future.

India alone could use 3 lakhs professionals in the fields of content development and animation by this year end. The salary is not meagre. It is in the range of Rs 10000 to Rs 25000 a month. You may get training in any animation training studio and become an animator. The career is very bright with applications in the field of media, architecture, engineering design, education, visualization, scientific research, medical research etc.

Animation is an evergreen industry and has a range of appliications in the multimedia spheres like CD development, web animation, gaming industry, animation studios, TV commercials, feature film effects and many more. The demand for animators is growing after the advent of broad band.

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