5 Tips to Save On Electricity on Winter

wintr power bills
Winter landscape

There are only so many clothes you can pile on top of each other during the winter season. Fortunately, there are ways you can save on electricity bills and still keep your wardrobe looking normal. Here are some electricity-saving tips for the cold season.

Have Your Furnace Serviced

Hiring a professional furnace tune-up in Salt Lake City can help optimize your furnace and prevent the unnecessary discharge of power. It can also help minimize the chances of a fire occurring in your home due to electrical problems.

Note though that if your furnace is gas-powered, it’s still essential to have it serviced even though technically, you’re not paying for the gas bill rather than the power bill. A faulty furnace can be the source of many home accidents from carbon monoxide poisoning to a fire.

Insulate the House, Not Just the Windows

While a large portion of heat is released through the windows, the walls are a bigger culprit. Uninsulated walls are responsible for more than half of the heat lost during winter.

The roof is also a point of interest, so make sure you have both checked before the first snowfall. The window is easy enough to address, but the walls and the roof are best tackled during the warmer seasons.

Reduce Costs of Water Heating

Taking a bath during winter can be a test of discipline. As much as you want to turn the water heater way up, it’s usually better to keep it at just 120 degrees Fahrenheit and no more. You can also try using a tankless water heater that heats the water as needed.

This way, you’ll save lots in future costs without losing the comfort of a hot shower. Note that according to studies, cold showers are actually better, so you can risk turning the heater downwards just a little bit. You can check if tankless or tank water heaters work best for you.

Make Sure to Replace Air Filters

This is something you can do yourself but is rarely noted by homeowners. Air filters ensure the released air is clean of dust or mites, but this can collect over time. A clogged air filter forces your heating system to push more air and heat through the ducts, drawing on precious power.

Use a Programmable Thermostatprogrammable thermostat will help save you bundles during the cold season

A programmable thermostat will help save you bundles on your power bills during the cold season. You can set it to turn on an hour before you arrive home – making the room warm and toasty when you enter the door. The alternative is to keep the heat on even when you’re at work, which can cost you a lot in the long run.

If you leave it closed, however, you might return to a freezing house.

Of course, those are just a few techniques you can use to help minimize power consumption. You should learn more about a good electricity company. Don’t forget to remind the whole family that there’s a need to save on power and to teach them how you intend to keep the winter power bills down.

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