Vellore Institute of Technology and Manipal Institute of Technology are both prestigious institutions with their independent entrance exams held every year for engineering aspirants. The Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Exam (VITEEE) is an online mode of the examination conducted in September for admission into the institute for Bachelors in B. Tech. Manipal Institute of Technology, on the other hand, conducts the Manipal Entrance Test (MET) with its own subsets of topics for B. Tech and B. Design courses. Eligible candidates are selected based on their performance in these exams.
But before digging into the details, let’s compare the exam pattern of both the entrance tests.
Recently, a new section called Aptitude with ten extra questions, has been added to the pre-existing pattern of the exam, which includes Maths or Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and English.
It constitutes of 40 questions in Math or Biology, 35 questions in Physics, 35 questions in Chemistry, ten questions in Aptitude, and five questions in English. Thus, the total number of questions in the examination is 125. The questions are multiple-choice and awarded one mark if correct. There is no negative marking. The total duration of the test is 2 hours, 30 minutes.
About MET
The Manipal Entrance Test consists of four sections – Math, Physics, Chemistry, and English and General Aptitude. Here, the last section of English and Aptitude has been fused into one.
It constitutes of 70 questions in Math, 50 questions in Chemistry, 50 questions in Physics, and 30 questions in English and Aptitude. Thus, the total number of questions in the examination is 200. Each correct answer is rewarded 4 marks, while wrong answers have a negative marking of one. The total duration of the test is 2 hours, 30 minutes. Here too, the questions are objective or multiple choice.
Comparison of VITEEE and MET
Now, the question arises, which of the tests is easier? Easier to crack, easier to identify the concealed information, and easier to score high in. Well, both the tests have their ups and downs, but if compared on a fair scale, VITEEE is easier than MET for various reasons:
No negative marking
The VITEEE has no negative marking for questions. This helps students try their hand at luck in case of a difficult problem. This increases the chances of admission to this prestigious institute. On the other hand, getting negative marks if not thoroughly prepared for the METs is common.
Conceptual questions
Most of the questions in VITEEE are concept-based and triggering. If you understand the principle behind Bernoulli’s Theorem or Archimedes’ principle then cracking questions become all the easier.
Less time consuming
To grasp the profundity of questions might be difficult, but once you understand it, you can tackle the tricks in comparatively less time. On the other hand, METs require theoretical and conceptual clarity, and numerical questions may require an outstanding level of performance.
Section based categorization
The VITEEE is divided into four sections with questions belonging to the set of each section. On the other hand, MET has jumbled up questions. The first one may be of chemistry during the second one of Math. This makes identifying a pattern and focusing on one schema of thoughts difficult.
Tips for cracking the exam
Do prepare notes simultaneously while studying. Make a separate book with formulas from each subject, or write them down on flashcards. Flashcards are, in fact, great way to recall.
Practice with multiple mock tests. This enables you to get accustomed to the pattern of the examination, thus making it easier to crack it.
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