First of all, many congratulations on becoming Mighty Engineers. All the hard work and dedication finally paid off.
As most of you are gonna start your professional life, I think it’s my duty to make you all aware of the real world ahead. Guys, first thing, keep your spirit charged with enthusiasm at all times, no matter what. Don’t think of your jobs as the most important points on your lifeline. Your family and friends had been, have and should be the ones to get preference over your jobs. Don’t lose your heart on failures, instead consider them as stepping-stones for your future success.
It’s very difficult, in fact impossible to make ”friends” once you enter your job, since the day a person starts to work, he/she becomes very ambitious. So, do keep in constant touch with your college friends. Nobody will be there to think positive for you. Just, don’t think bad for anyone, for if you can’t do good for anyone. Be positive. You’ll meet people discouraging you, demoralizing you, just don’t give a shit to them or their words. After all, it’s you and only you, who has chosen to be in that particular job.
There will be times when you’ll get depressed, depressed to such an extent that the only thing which will come to your mind is giving a resignation letter. But, will it help? No. Not at all. Giving a resignation letter means you’re not brave enough to tackle the difficulties and responsibilities the job demands you to fulfill. In these difficult times, take out some time, think on a broader perspective, write down the pros and cons of leaving the job and analyse whether leaving the job is gonna have a positive impact on your career 8-10 years up the lane.
You’ll encounter managers/bosses who may not be very good. But, again, that’s life. You have to learn the art to tackle and coördinate with them. Never be short-tempered at work, for this may lead to disasters.
At last, it’s not that easy to excel in the real world out here, but it’s not that difficult also. And for MITians, we have a cutting edge over other peeps because of the fantastic reputation MIT holds currently. Just your constant positivity and calmness are gonna help you in the long race.
Good luck peeps. Enjoy your work.
About the Author: Jagminder Pal Singh is an alumnus of Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal. He is a chemical engineering graduate, batch of 2015. He has been a Former Publicity Head at ISTE Students’ Chapter, Manipal.
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