We are excited to announce that THE University has decided to collaborate with ManipalBlog to revive a traditional University sports event, usually held at the beginning of every fresh semester! This event, was a rage in the Manipal of the 60’s and 70’s, but gradually died down because of increasing number of studious students who began to attend their classes regularly in the 1980’s and 1990’s.
Today, ManipalBlog received a mail from THE University office, asking us if we were interested in reviving this decades old tradition of welcoming the freshers to Manipal. We believe that similar mails are being sent to all the major organisations across Manipal, in an effort to make THE University more student friendly!Our sources, within the university mentioned that, this is being planned so that more students return to their hostels early in the night time and reduce unsavoury incidents such as “the dog barking at the night time”.
ManipalBlog has been given exclusive rights to organise the “Pajama Games” in collaboration with suitable online collaborators. One of the events, we have been told to organise, is “Bed Races”, one of the most popular traditional events, which is scheduled to be held on August 19.
Sponsored by THE University and in collaboration with ManipalBlog , the annual races feature a six-member team pushing a bed around a predesigned course while dressed appropriately. Applications are now being taken in the activities office for any group interested in entering a bed. The races will be held at midnight. The venues are as yet to be determined, due to the excess rainfall being received this year.
P.S: All the facts and names in this article are made up, but you already knew that Didn’t you?
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