The month of February is the most lit of all 12 months. One could dub it as the personification of the song, ‘Love is in the air. There is just some quality that manages to make you, ‘pop your heart out.’ (literally) The month of February brings blossom, freshness in your romantic endeavors, for it’s the month that celebrates Valentine’s day! Valentine’s day which has cleverly been extended into Valentine’s week, if, brings an opportunity to proclaim your love, it also brings additional anxiety of planning the day to perfection. While you might like your routine of reserving a table at a swanky diner, it might be a nice idea to look into cute, slightly bizarre ways of turning around your Valentine’s day.
Ahem! Although some might claim that Archies is the solution to Valentine’s day or week, for that matter, it wouldn’t hurt to look into original chic ways to upgrade your Valentine’s day.
Mood for Food
Now, this idea might work out amazingly well if your partner is a foodie but even if they are not, it has the least chances of blowing up in your face. Agreeably, the pandemic has turned all relationships into a long distance. If this Valentine’s day, you are wrecking your head to surprise your partner, you are on the right page. Having binge-watched quite a few Filter Copy videos myself, I came to the conclusion that it isn’t just the Biryani Monster who adores a scrumptious meal, mostly everyone does. This Valentine’s day, you too can be that magical genie who saves their partner from the trouble of cooking. Make yourself familiar with your partner’s food palette and order them their favorite meal from Zomato (or Swiggy, we don’t discriminate).
A nice surprise for them and bonus points to you!
Tu Bin Bataye, Mujhe Le Chal kahi!
There may seem no alternative to listening to music Gully Boy style (with one earphone plugged in your partner’s ear and one in yours). Unless we develop extendable earphones, the possibility of which seems dim in near future, you may feel that the particular joy is dead.
However, there is one teeny tiny ray of hope alive!

This Valentine’s day, you can freely tend to your partner’s musical taste by gifting them a customized Spotify playlist. The playlist containing your favorite songs can be streamed anytime, especially when you are having dinner over a video call.
Sounds good, right?
Spell It
If your partner is remotely similar to either Amy ( Brooklyn Nine-Nine) or Ross, (Friends) trust me, they are going to adore this endeavor. There are over a million board games available on the Internet, choose a particularly zealous one and delve into it in real-time!
If you are asking for my recommendation, I would suggest Scrabble. I mean, isn’t it the perfect way to spell out your love? Check out the list of online board games for couples.
Just imagine, a dinner date and a spirited gaming session. A perfect way to celebrate Valentine’s day.
Ms. Serial Chiller
Given how the pandemic has rocked and rolled, it is quite possible for couples to maintain a safe distance from theaters. While I agree that some couples like to lean onto their partner’s shoulder or snuggle while watching movies, the experience can be manipulated to a certain extent. This Valentine’s day, you can split your screen with your loved one and binge watch Little Things or even Avengers, whatever suits you best.

What about the snuggling though? Uh, imitate that with your blanket or pillow.
Let’s Do a playdate!
The most joyous place to be is on a playdate. By playdates, I don’t exactly mean a date with your partner but rather a date with your pets. Dressing up is fun, but what is even funnier is dressing your pets. Just imagine your cat Bella wearing a ribbon and your partner’s dog Joe wearing a bow tie. While they woo each other over the video call, you too can sneak a wink and a blink with your partner.
A woof and a meow, love is in the air, right?
Let’s Make the Party
If you have procrastinated on your V-day’s plan until the very end, there is absolutely no need to wallow in a pool of misery. It is very good to devote an entire day to your loved one but wouldn’t that make it boring? Well, you have the opportunity to stand apart from your peers, this Valentine’s day.
Blast your contact list, upgrade your phone recharge and invite your friends to the D-day party. It’s not necessary to work on the decor painfully hard, just make the aura welcoming and let good times roll.
A pro tip! Check-in with your partner before planning the party. After all, not all surprises are good, are they?
Madam Puddifoot: Yay or Nay
I absolutely agree that CCD has its own charms on Valentine’s day, disbarring the fact that it is ridiculously expensive. But um, isn’t love-shaped confetti falling your red velvet cake, a little suffocating? I am not discrediting your plan of treating your beau at a stupendous five-star diner. However, there is a way of turning your Valentine’s day memorable without burning a hole in your pocket. After all, who says that chic places have to be hella expensive?
It isn’t a binding rule to treat your partner in Madam Puddifoot. Walking on a slightly wet road to Three Broomsticks is also an option. Some of you might perceive it as cooking for your partner. While that is also a splendid idea, I don’t think you’d want to do the dishes on Valentine’s day, would you?
It doesn’t matter where you celebrate your special day, what matters is how you celebrate it. This Valentine’s day split the bill with your loved one over as simple a takeout as pizza or paneer do pyaza, your call.

Mhm.. a Joey special, maybe?
Groove and Move
It isn’t necessarily a feminine urge to waltz with your partner on ‘Stand by me’. Dancing has always been a cue for romance.

And you know what the good news is? You needn’t be Hrithik and Katrina to adhere to this idea. While staring into each other’s eyes is enjoyable, it has the tenacity to grow monotonous after some time. In that case, it would be the perfect opportunity to transform your Valentine’s day into vigorous dance therapy. Put on your dancing shoes, preferably not glass slippers, and groove to your choicest tunes. You can gate-crash an ongoing party or just jump on your bed singing, You belong with me.
The point is that dance is the least risky investment as it has nil chances of going horribly wrong. Dancing isn’t just a way to burn calories, it is a proven technique of understanding your partner better. What are you waiting for? This V-day, just rock and roll! It could range from Badtmeez dil to Pretty woman, just prepare a perfect playlist. And Viola! The stage is yours to rock.
Invoking the Sanjeev Kapoor Within
While the idea of an elegant dinner sounds perfect, it can burn a little hole in your pocket. What is the alternative to that?
You may be euphoric to hear that you wouldn’t have to abandon the idea of a gourmet meal altogether.
Cooking together on Valentine’s day can prove to be a great bonding session for you and your partner. Not only will it help you to get familiar with each other’s food palette, but it will also give your mind the tease it requires. Pop in some creative challenges and see the fun! *wink*
Just Hang in There
The biggest reason behind the anxiety that V-Day brings along is the extent of planning and preparation which goes in. All you need to remember is the sentiment behind the celebration which is love. Soothe your headache with a balm and relax. Another great way of celebrating Valentine’s day is by doing nothing.
Just laze around with your partner, have some red wine, listen to your favorite music, and sleep.
Trust me, it will be a day you’ll remember for a long time.

Valentine’s day has been trending for quite a few years. While the celebration and the chaos appealed to the masses, its novelty has begun wearing off. However, we should not forget the reason behind its existence is pure, innocent love. This compilation of ideas is to bring forth some unique, experimented way of celebrating this brilliant day.
Love, laugh, and enjoy!
About the Author: Aindri Singh is a first-year MBBS student at M.M.I.M.S.R, Mullana. She crushes on cats and unsuccessfully tries to woo them. A voracious reader, she writes for her sanity.
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