Are you having problems with your long-term relationship? Then the advice from the Manipal Monk can really help you. Check out his various tips that will not only help you in making your relationship healthy but will also keep you both happy forever.
First Tip
Have you forgotten to communicate with your partner as you did before? Start communicating again and most of the problems will vanish. This is the most common cause of the problems that any long distance relationship faces. Everyday busy life tends to blunt our communication skills we spend more time working, watching television or listening to music than talking to our partners. You can fix this problem by spending sometime talking to your partner daily even if you are just talking about what all things you did all day. Once you start doing this, you will definitely notice the change in your relationship.
Second Tip
Spend some quality time with your partners. Everyday life puts us in a tough routine and we forget that our relationship also needs time. Find some hobby for you both to take part like go to a dance class together. Go for a movie or a dinner party every weekend. Just spend some quality time together at certain gaps of time and you both will be happy once again.
Third Tip
We usually get so busy with our everyday life that we tend to forget whats great why we love our partners and we start feeling that our partner is just someone who likes me and no more. This is not good for your relationship and will eventually lead to a breakup. If you ever feel this way, try giving a moment to your relationship and think something in your partner that you love. If you can always remember what brought you both together then you both will not face any problems.
Fourth Tip
Show your partner that you respect them. In a long-term relationship, respect is the most difficult thing to get back once it has gone, so it is very important that you show respect to your partner. You can do this by not arguing and critical about their ideas or anything. Make it a point to listen to what they are saying. After a while you will find that even your partner has started showing the respect and eventually your relationship will grow stronger.
Fifth Tip
Always make sure that you share your problems with your partners. If something is bothering you even if it directly concerns your partner, it is best to let it out and speak with them. Never assume things on your own and start fighting with your partner. This will only make things worse and eventually you both will breakup. You will find that when you start sharing the problems and resolve them together, your relationship will grow stronger and you both will be happier.
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