Here’s a look at the news that will be making the Headlines in Manipal of 2020 AD.
–Auto fare from Syndicate Circle to Tiger Circle increased to Rs.500*
-MIT inaugurates Hostel Block 51 which is closer to Mangalore than Manipal
-A 2013 male graduate from MIT gets a room in 13th Block Girls’ Hostel
–Kamath Circle wall demolished for 13th time
-Spotted: Ferrari in front of China Valley
-KMC Manipal wins Utsav again this year
-Manipalblog’s 7th branch launches today
-Students protest against the proposed cutting-down of the last tree in 10 km radius of Manipal
-Planet Cafe delivers a burger in just 36 hours
– reaches 10K pre-signups and is launching ‘soon’
-TAPMI to get Justin Bieber for their campus fest Atharva 2020
–Manipal bus driver selected as reserve driver for Sahara Force India Formula 1 team
–ION promises internet speeds as high as 3.1 kbps from the next academic year
-MIT to ban bicycles in the campus owing to heavy crowd
-A Facebook page – “My name is Sikkim Manipal University and I am NOT in Manipal,Karnataka” goes viral
*Night charges extra
This post is co-authored by Vikram Tomar and Vijay VK.
well writn