silhouette of boat
silhouette of boat

Sultan bathery!! It’s one place you ought to know in Mangalore if you are a KMC student. From getting rid of the exam stress to a place to celebrate your birthday or just spending some personal time, Sultan battery is the place to go for KMC students.


the river that sets your mood
The river that sets your mood

When you take an auto for going to sultan battery, it drops you in front of a fort. Well actually that fort is sultan battery and the beach is just named after it. This fort was built by Tipu sultan in 1784 and the river (which you cross to go for the beach) is known as Gurupura. Now here is something I didn’t know about this place before i started writing this article, rumour has it that there is a really long cave that connects sultan battery to Sitarangpurum – so good luck searching for it, if you are jobless enough.

One thing that I love about going to sultan battery is the boat ride. It sets your  whole mood up and the silhouette of the boats in the evening sun looks amazing so get your camera ready because you never know where you will get your “Picture of the day”.

waterdroplets suspended on pointed leaves in the woods of sultan battery
Water droplets suspended on pointed leaves in the woods of sultan battery

After you reach the other side via the ferry, you have to walk 2 minutes to reach the other side of the island. The beach and  the woods near the beach reminds you all the cheesy horror flicks like Raaz and Ragini MMS.

wherever you go be sure to leave a mark
Wherever you go be sure to leave a mark

The beach is not usually crowded, other than the weekend when i can guarantee you that you will find someone or the other from KMC. The water is also clean(read as “not very dirty”), because you might just find a  wrapper of “chaini” or “pan parag” in water but if you are not a hygiene freak you will not have any problem going in the water other than the monsoon season .

the one moment that i imagined 100 times over
The one moment that i imagined 100 times  and over

Other than the dirty water, the strong currents are another reason to not go into the water during monsoon. But the sea looks best during rain. The huge waves will surely mesmerize you and make you feel tiny.

The  silver of the moonlit night
The silver of the moonlit night

You can grab a snack or have panipuri out there making your  beach trip just perfect but don’t end up getting diarrhea . And one more thing the last ferry leaves at 7:30 PM, so be sure to come back before that or you can always try swimming…or maybe not.

So next time you are jobless in the evening don’t miss out the chance to visit this gem of Mangalore and good luck taking sand out of your pocket.

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