Mumbai as a city brings images of movies, a fast paced city and the local trains that power the multitude of its denizens. There is energy, life and productivity that is generally associated with Mumbai. Life moves on no matter what. Come rain or shine, Mumbai has a lifestyle that never stops. It is a city full of contradictions too. If there is Dharavi, there is South Mumbai too. You get footwear that is great looking and comfortable for hundred rupees. You can also buy Jimmy Choos or any other equally popular global brand.
The contradictions of Mumbai percolate all things. Food, culture, festivities and so on. The list is really not limited. You can dive into road side dosa or a vada pav or a dabeli. You can also go for best of the Italian food online. I mean the variety and variations that Mumbai as a city provides are mind blowing. You have to see it to believe it. It is impossible to relate to Mumbai as an onlooker. You need to be part of the hustle bustle of the city to feel its pulse.
While at it, a must have experience is to order food online in Mumbai. The plethora of options is a serious challenge for any food lover. It will feel like there is so much to eat and so little that one can eat at a go. The trick is to wade through the obvious and zero in on food items that are not part of your regular palate. This will help you when you are in Mumbai for a short visit. If time is no constraint and you have enough number of days to explore Mumbai at leisure, then you should try everything the city has on offer for food. It is a veritable feast that will last for a few days for sure.
Ordering food online in Mumbai is once in a life time experience. Simply because of the way the food arrives. The city is choc a block all through the day and night. That doesn’t stop any food delivery from arriving on time every time. It is simply amazing and leaves one to ponder if these food delivery companies like Freshmenu have some secret arsenal to be on time.
A city like Mumbai that never sleeps can only benefit from food tech. Order food online in Mumbai at one level is like an advanced version of Dabbawallahs, the original food delivery guys. These people were on the scene much before any food tech was even conceived. Their precision and the ability to show up every day without fail has won the hearts of many Mumbaikars. Food tech has a lot of learn and pick from the Dabbawallahs for sure.
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