Most people believe that mental illness is something that can happen only to a certain kind of people. But let’s be honest here, mental health issues are common and widespread in today’s world. And it is okay to accept that one suffers from mental health issues or breakdowns.
But most families and individuals feel shy or awkward to talk about it, due to certain questions that the society will ask them and they won’t have any answers.
One thing that everyone needs to know is that mental illness needs to be treated just like a physical injury. You must stop the pain, consult a doctor and get the right treatment. The first step, however, to get through this is that the individual must accept their problem first. We can’t keep saying that we are okay when we are hurting on the inside no matter how strong we may be.
Indians are known for disregarding any type of mental illnesses that are faced by the people around them. But this needs to change, and there must be acceptance of the widespread mental health issues.
This Manipal Marathon 2019, let us all come together and help people recognize their problems and voice them out and allowing them to get the help they require to cope.
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